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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
Woke up close to 2 am and relieved myself. I tried not to be tempted but the call of my friends won out. Lubed up and laid back down with the Helix. Woke up all ready to stay in bed all day but instead came... Read More....
08/26/2015 473
have been traveling the Journey for a while now and this week am alone, so I treated myself to a new Progasm Jr. Had some good p-waves immediately with it but then was interrupted. Returned after soaking in a hot bath and some porn. I... Read More....
08/25/2015 465
Monday the Helix-Syn arrived and I wanted to check it out so I made it home a couple hours before the wife. The Helix Syn is like a work of art. I did not know how I would do as I started massaging with the... Read More....
08/24/2015 473
Catching up on my blog. A little about me I am turning 64 in a few weeks. 6' and 235 lbs slimming down :( I could not wait for solo time so when the wife went to sleep I prepared and had a session with... Read More....
08/23/2015 473
My Ice buddy came in my office mail yesterday in only 2 days and I was so ready to check it out. I locked the doors after hours and did some overtime before going home. I was blown away and did not want to stop... Read More....
08/21/2015 473
After my morning session and short day of work I wanted to rush home and have a short session before the wife came home. I had to get to know my new best friend a little better. I tried all the suggested positions to see... Read More....
08/21/2015 473
Wow, it's been awhile. Due to a busy summer schedule, there's been no "me" time. Finally yesterday before work there was some alone time. While watching some porn, I became overcome by desire and so after lubing up the Maximus, standing in front of the... Read More....
08/20/2015 468
I finally have had another mini-O with my Progasm! And it was glorious feeling! Only about 7.5 months since my last one. And it hasn't been for a lack of trying. What I find odd is that this was only a few hours later after... Read More....
08/20/2015 297
His lips are clean now, but I dare not stop kissing him. It started off me just wanting to lick my nectar from his lips…now he's become my fountain of youth…I cant stop drinking from him if I tried. This journey is far from over... Read More....
08/18/2015 437
I was on my own last night, as J and my daughter went out to see a movie. They have become movie partners going to see chick flicks that I have no patience for. It is good for them both to have a close person... Read More....
08/09/2015 421