• Not so Silent Seduction

    His lips are clean now, but I dare not stop kissing him. It started off me just wanting to lick my nectar from his lips…now he's become my fountain of youth…I cant stop drinking from him if I tried. This journey is far from over…

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  • Silent Seduction

    As usual I have to put in my disclaimer…this is total fantasy. I was inspired by somebody but not fact…only fiction. Hopefully it will get some of your sessions off to a good start. I swing the door open before he even has a chance…

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  • Why She's Not On Board…)part 1(

    Thanks to the guy who gave me my writing bug back… So I know a lot of guys here are into what some )mostly Americans( find as "alternative" sexual practices. I don't view it as alternative but hey…I'm just one fish in the ocean. I…

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  • Happy Birthday Lucifer

    So today is the anniversary of life for a man I should have NEVER let into my life. I'm writing this in hopes that maybe somebody else will read it and learn from my mistakes. Being a woman I have no other perspective to write…

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  • Shy Guy

    Disclaimer: This is ALL fantasy…it was inspired by someone, but not factual. So he says he's new to this. Never really admitted how much he enjoyed anal play until recently. He craves more, the more the explores his ass the more he becomes open to….

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  • Just Joy, no Pain

    So I wake up, I can still taste his cum on my tongue. He's sleeping, I decide to sneak away I need to sneak away to brush my teeth and take a shower. Once I make it to my bathroom I start brushing my teeth…

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  • Joy & Pain )Round 2(

    So I wake up in the middle of the night as usual. I feel the warmth of a man next to me. The memories of last night come flooding back. I glance over at him sleeping soundly. I dont have a clue of what time…

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  • Surprising New Interests

    So when chatting a little while ago some interesting topics came up. I challenged myself to stretch my imagination a bit and here's what I came up with. So generally I'm not into men who cross dress. I dont have a problem with it, its…

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  • Joy & Pain

    Gotta replace the old with some new, so this is a mix of fact & fiction )mostly the latter(. I'll let you figure out which is which. Met a guy…broke a ton of my rules giving him a shot. The things I felt for him…

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  • Mood Setter

    Well a couple of times I've been asked what I listen to music wise to get turned on. Its kind of hard to say in just a few words so I decided I'd put up a playlist. Now keep in mind this is not one…

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