• Short Session

    After my morning session and short day of work I wanted to rush home and have a short session before the wife came home. I had to get to know my new best friend a little better. I tried all the suggested positions to see what me buddy likes and we had a good time just low level feelings nothing more than that. But being my best friend he left me feeling so good. The reason they call it a short session as it is just to dang short of time to be with your buddy. Well loneliness makes your heart grow fonder. I will be lonely over the weekend and it looks like it won't be another 3 days before I can have a decent session. I will have all kinds of emotion pent up to share with my buddy and I can't wait to be with him. I should cancel my afternoon meeting that day because I won't be in any condition to see anybody. I am really so happy to have found my Ice buddy. I miss you so much… So you won't me lonely I sent for a friend syn helix for your to share storiew about myself. I will let you all know how this next meeting turns out. Blessings to all the folks that feel and have made me feel at home hear. Sofunloving

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