My 21 (actually 23) Day Challenge 05/25/2015 To All of My Aneros Friends 05/19/2014 Fourth Audio Recording Posted 12/29/2013 Third Recorded Aneros Session is Posted 11/24/2013 Second Session Recording Is Posted 10/30/2013 Recording Number Two 10/29/2013 Ahhhhhhhhh, so calm 08/08/2013 PPPPPRRRRROOOOGGGGAAAAAASSSSSMMMMM!!!!!! 07/29/2013 Almost fainted… 07/24/2013 Trustworthy Friend 07/23/2013 Can you say MARATHON? 07/01/2013 Drip, drip, drip 06/29/2013 Analogous Quote 06/20/2013 Summertime, and the livin' is easy 06/15/2013 Oh, gluttonous prostate. 05/24/2013 -less on demand 04/19/2013 Less is More, More is Less 04/13/2013 Main Quake and Hundreds of Aftershocks 04/07/2013 A Week of Amazing 03/30/2013 The Cat Who Caught the Canary 02/24/2013 Less is More! 02/18/2013 Sprinkles and Tips 02/10/2013 Reliability of being MMO 01/25/2013 Variety Pack 12/28/2012 Sweet and Subtle 12/16/2012 Time for a sleep over 11/24/2012 The Dame is not so sweet this time… 11/24/2012 Perfect Place of Rest 11/24/2012 Dame Syn 11/21/2012 Swiftly run to peace 11/18/2012 Sparkles and Bubbles 11/11/2012 Second Time is the Charm, and I am Sure Every Time Will Be 10/29/2012 Maiden Voyage 10/27/2012 My First Two Super Sessions 09/01/2009
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