• Almost fainted…

    Losing consciousness is not a goal of mine at all. But, when the session gets so intense and deep that it causes me to be hardly able to move or control anything and I nearly faint – unconsciousness looks pretty good.
    Holy cow!! My -less session this morning, aided by chat with my amazing encourager, artform, was such a session.
    In the deepest parts of the session, I felt my eyes rolling back into my head and I almost felt like I was being held down. But, at the same time my body was bucking and arching in bliss. Still, I couldn't move my arms. It was insanely crazy.
    Thanks, again @artform!!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/25/2013at1:02 pm

      Yes I know the feeling. That art really knows how to throw some energies. The fact that it was a less session makes it even hotter. Congrats man.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/25/2013at1:37 pm

      Geez, Brian. Sounds really intense. Don't have a stroke!!! Did you do something differently this session to get so deep?
      Another newbie question: When you say you get encouragement/support/pleasure from other guys during your session, how does that work exactly? You use the Aneros chat room?

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/26/2013at1:45 am

      Thanks Big O.
      Many guys, myself included, chat during their sessions and enjoy sharing the mutual orgasmic energies produced with other Anerosians. That chat can take many forms, just text chat )like the Aneros main room or private chats(, audio – chatting with voice, or video – chatting live while on video. Skype and Yahoo Messenger work well for all three.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/26/2013at6:14 pm

      Thanks for answering my Q's about the chatting, messaging, etc. I'd like to give that a try when I get more experienced.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/27/2013at9:16 am

      Most Welcome, and the energies sharing/encouraging is a deeply mutual connection, so equally many thanks brine!!
      Best is that these energies, and their spiritual levels, we can carry into daily life and our lives with our fellow Anerosian friends, as well as into our deepest personal relationships!!!
      Gifts of the fully awakened prostate and all!!!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/31/2013at12:52 am

      Beautifully put, art.

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