• My 21 (actually 23) Day Challenge

    My 21 Day Challenge
    I was encouraged by one of my Aneros friends to take up the 21 Day Challenge. It is a challenge to refrain from ejaculation for 21 Days. There are benefits, so I thought I’d give it a whirl.
    During the time I was on the challenge (which ended up to be 23 days), I learned and experienced a great deal of things.
    – I do have the discipline to pleasure myself and keep from cumming.
    – There are many ways to enjoy my penis; it was fun finding new ways.
    – I have a big capacity to be orgasmic.
    – Arousal and the ensuing pleasure needs to be savored.
    – I found out that I can have penile orgasms without cumming. And it’s amazing.
    – Ejaculation is a terrific thing.
    – Edging is more about enjoying the pleasure than refraining from going too far.
    I waited to “graduate” until the right time worked out.
    I was comfortable, warm, alone, and ready. I edged for about 20 minutes, first. The whole time looking forward to what was to come. There was a sense of relief knowing that I no longer had to control things, but just let it flow. I was A-lessing the whole time too. My whole body was involved in the orgasms, prostate and penile.
    When the point came, my back arched, I was in the throws of a Super O, and I had a wonderful Super T and then ejaculation. I'd say I easily came about three times as much, maybe four. I caught it in my hand so I could see. It was fantastic.
    It took a bit to recover.
    Now, at the time I’m writing this, about six hours later, I feel great. Not disappointed. Very satisfied. Proud. Accomplished. Relieved. Content.
    I look forward to experimenting with all I have learned about myself and my body while allowing myself the miracle of orgasm with cum. I have grown as a human and as a man.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/24/2015at4:43 pm

      Im have done the 21 day challenge as well and it gave me the same results. I am now doing the challenge again now and is already on day 2. It amazes me how easily the penis can be stimulated and aroused with out actually producing cum. Great job man.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/25/2015at1:23 am

      Hey, Big –
      Thanks for your comments. Pretty amazing what the body has for us to explore!
      Take care.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/25/2015at1:23 am

      Hey, Big –
      Thanks for your comments. Pretty amazing what the body has for us to explore!
      Take care.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/26/2015at7:41 am

      Amazing Brine! You keep on teaching me new things.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/27/2015at9:50 pm

      Thanks, euph!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/08/2015at5:38 am

      I too completed the 21 day challenge )ended up with 25 days(. I have to agree with your lust completely.

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