• Trustworthy Friend

    Never has my friend, the Helix Syn, failed me.
    Today was no different. Insertion was followed quickly by a lovely ride to deep, full-bodied orgasms.
    Then my dear friend, artform, showed up and we shared some sweet energy exchanging, connecting the pleasures of two multi-orgasmic men. The intimacies shared between men who are rewired or rewiring are fantastic.
    After that I had a chance to share with my pal, Mike. Again, a great time.
    Glad I took advantage of the time alone today!
    Thank you to my friends!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/23/2013at5:56 am

      You're awesome, Brian! Hopefully no work for me next time!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/24/2013at11:28 pm

      Energies exchanging capabilities are one of the greatest gifts a man, or woman, can find, discover, or live into. It is something one finds and develops most deeply by sharing with another who is also finding or unfolding into the full spectrum of these energies and their potencies.
      Brian and I have been very very lucky to have found each other in this realm at the right time and place here at Aneros. A great time again today indeed my friend!! You are most welcome as always all ways!!
      It has been both a privilege and great joy for me to be able to assist other men, and my dear wife, into their early energies sensing and later energies development into higher levels. I am forever grateful for these things coming into my life and for the deep connections with others through these practices.
      All the very best Brian!! and Mike and all who share these gifts forward!!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/25/2013at1:14 am

      Thank you Mike and Art.
      I consider myself to be a very, very lucky man.
      Lucky to have found this key to the deepest pleasure possible.
      Lucky to have connected with so many generous men.
      Lucky to have developed the capacity for substantial, truthful, intimate experiences with my friends here.
      Lucky to have opened up many possibilities with my wife.
      Lucky to become healthier in so many ways.
      Thank you all.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/25/2013at1:29 am

      HALLELUJAH!!! 😀 😀 😀

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