• Swiftly run to peace

    Had some precious alone time in my hotel room while away at a workshop weekend. Needless to say, I took advantage of that solitude.
    I cleaned up, lubed up, and "put" up.
    Again, my only expectation was that I would experience something new, or at least recognize something new. Well, the "new" thing was how adroitly I was ushered into the high levels of orgasmic bliss. Within only minutes of insertion, I had had several Dry and Super Os. And then I felt as if I was being hurried into a safe place by my bodyguards. In that place I then found myself warmed by the glow of deep, Calms Seas orgasms. Literally I was warm, my body generating and radiating energy – from my core to my extremities. I was gently floating and felt untethered to the concerns and worries of this world.
    The luxurious Syn is a romantic lover and pampers my prostate so sweetly I am enticed with no resistance, giving in and receiving great gifts of joy, contentment, and pleasure.
    I am addicted.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/16/2012at8:36 pm

      Yes indeed, the Club of Syn Addicts!! CSA; here that is Canadian Standards Association. I think this is a significant new category with very high standards!!
      Bliss on oh peace eternal!!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/23/2012at2:27 pm

      Thank you, pal!

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