• Fourth Audio Recording Posted

    Hey gents,
    Posted my fourth audio session at:
    The Classic Helix was my first Aneros and it my only Aneros for about four years. It took me a VERY long way on my Aneros journey. It still knows how to push the right buttons.
    Enjoy. I'd love to hear your reactions.
    Big thanks to euphemistic for setting up the site and posting the files.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/30/2013at6:59 pm

      You did it again man. I popped my helix in to ride when listening to it. It's like we were riding together. Great waves and another great audio.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/31/2013at11:33 pm

      Yay!! Glad to hear, BigO! Always happy to help out!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/08/2015at6:38 am

      I listened to it and it really got me going. I felt it well up inside me until I had a dryO. Wow! Thanks for that.

    • Avatar for ButtStuffProgasm


      06/28/2022at6:49 pm

      Someone posted a link to your stuff on Reddit. I was wondering if you’d be willing to make more. I rode for five hours last week in one night playing your stuff. You are an inspiration!!!

      If you have any more stuff or just want to chat my email is [email protected]

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