• Amazed, and disappointed

    Last night I had an hour and a half of mind blowing orgasms. I'm feeling totally energised, turned on and ready for more. My wife is going out all day, my children should be at school and I was looking forward to spending a day…

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  • Quiet after the storm

    Yesterday was a bit mind blowing. I think it was, after my wedding day, and the day each of my children was born, the best day of my life. I feel like a different person today, much more patient and calm. Today feels very calm,…

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  • The Heart Chakra opens, and a super-O!

    Woke early and had a good orgasm. I'm sure it was going to be a big one, but my wife suddenly woke up as I was going into it and got out of bed, which slightly threw me and I lost concentration but it was…

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  • Quiet, but nice

    I'm meditating regularly. Yesterday I was circulating energy into my sacrum and up my spine, I suddenly got an immense surge in my lower back during the day, I thought at last the real Kundalini is on its way, and was able to meditate immediately…

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  • Quiet at last

    Well, I can now get into an orgasm again at will. I seem to be getting closer to having a SuperO again, it felt as if I was almost having one last time but I still don't think it really was. I can't stop lying…

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  • Bit tired

    Despite almost being at the point of falling asleep standing up last night I felt turned on and had to try to get a quick orgasm before I went to sleep. I did quite quickly slip into an Aless orgasm. It was a very subdued…

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  • Almost super-O again

    I'm managing to get to orgasm again easily now. I had forgotten how intense a super-O was until tonight although I still didn't actually have one I was on the verge of it for ages – it was painful feeling the full intensity of one…

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  • Things are moving fast

    Last night was unbelievable! I felt so stressed that the moment I got the opportunity I meditated and sank into a deep meditative state nothing like I have achieved before. I added some Mula Bandha and felt an immediate intense feeling of being on the…

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  • Intense

    Yesterday was a very intense day. My first dry orgasm for ages, a state of ecstacy during the day and almost a full Kundalini experience out of nowhere. Then it went quiet. I felt very stressed as if all my progress over the last week…

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  • It happened at last!

    Last night I had my first proper dry orgasm for over a week! Emotionally it was the most satisfying I have ever had and I felt euphoric I couldn't do anything but lie and think 'wow' when it finally settled down. I just lay there…

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