• Still not working

    I have been doing a lot of thinking having had no breakthrough yesterday. I tried plenty of times to orgasm but nothing happened, I even slept with the aneros in and felt good. There was one orgasm type event that was nice, but totally pleasure…

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  • Now it's not working

    I though I had got this all worked out yesterday. My expectations were high that I could now orgasm at will and I expected to be able to have another mind blowing experience tonight. I can get to the edge of orgasm easily now but…

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  • Another day

    Woke at 4am feeling a bit turned on. Tried for an orgasm, couldn't do it and fell back to sleep. Woke at 7.30 again and started to let sensations build, again without the aneros. At last I broke through and enjoyed a wonderful pulsing orgasm…

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  • It's working!

    One my wife went to bed last night I easily managed to go into another orgasm, again sitting at my computer. I have worked out exactly where I need to focus to bring on my orgasm – along the underside of my penis and I…

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  • Exploring further

    Woke up and had another aneros free orgasm, didn't last long, nothing special this time although having said that it was as mind blowing as every one I have had so far. Sitting at the computer I managed to have yet another (again without the…

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  • Some pain today

    Kept getting the feeling I wanted to orgasm whilst sitting at the computer today. Managed to have an orgasm sitting at my chair which without the aneros. It was an awkward position trying to control my legs but it felt good, even had my wife…

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  • Second session and more

    I am married and have kids so finding time to use the aneros is difficult. I had the house to myself for a few hours so immediately got naked and inserted the aneros. I was expecting immediate results after my amazing session 2 days before….

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  • Beginnings

    I had thought about getting one of these devices for years after reading about them and eventually took the plunge. My first session was disappointing, I expected too much too fast, the second was similar and I put it aside for a week having achieved…

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