• Still so close

    I had several very intense sessions yesterday. Each one seems to be getting closer. Yesterday evening I had some very intense feelings start out of the blue whilst at the computer and they became unbearably good lasting for ages. I actually felt as if it…

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  • An awakening?

    I woke up this morning and noticed that I was abdominal breathing whereas normally I have a very dysfunctional upper chest breathing pattern. I felt quite emotional as if it’s a sign that something is changing. Everything is starting to make some sort of sense…

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  • so close…..

    Last night I felt like trying again. It felt as if something had changed. I had identified guilt as a possible cause of my blockage and was determined that I needed to enjoy myself and not care what anyone else thought, so even though I…

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  • Not sure what to call this one

    This now feels slightly out of place in a blog about using the aneros, but the journey started when I opened that box, and it has taken me in a very unexpected direction. I have read about spiritual awakening and I can recognise a lot…

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  • More thoughts

    I’m going to analyse again as I'm still blocked. This experience has touched me deeply. I feel as if I have triggered something very profound. I was sent to boarding school at 13 and bullied badly, I was made to feel worthless and had no…

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  • Still blocked

    Things got worse. Its been several days now since I have been able to 'cross over' into an orgasm. I can still bring on good feelings but I'm getting less and less inclined to even try now because it's so disappointing and I expect failure….

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  • Blocked again?

    I had sex with my wife for the first time in months last night. My erection was instant and harder than I remember it ever being even when I was a teenager, and when I came it was stronger than previously, she even commented on…

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  • Long week

    I feel as if I am finally starting to integrate my new found ability with normal life. Today is the first day that I haven't been constantly thinking about my next super-O and worrying whether it is going to happen. After a long week and…

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  • Back on track

    I had promised myself that I was taking a rest for a day yesterday, but I'm not very strong willed and thought that I would just have a quick try last night, A-less as usual. I'm very glad that I did. it wasn't the fastest…

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  • Exhausted

    It's been a real emotional rollercoaster in the last week since my breakthrough. Exhilarated one minute after after a mind blowing super-O, totally despondent when it just wasn't working. I don't think I have experienced such a range of emotions since my first serious relationship…

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