Well, after twenty six months less a few days, my journey has escalated to a new level last night; I believe I have experienced a dry-O for the first time. It might not even be one as this is a new feeling for me but…
Posted on March 15th, 2018.Session Length: 2 1/2 h Models Used: Eupho Syn & Maximus
Well, after twenty six months less a few days, my journey has escalated to a new level last night; I believe I have experienced a dry-O for the first time. It might not even be one as this is a new feeling for me but…
Posted on March 1st, 2018.Session Length: 15 m Models Used: NJOY
This morning, I had my third milking session with this device. I’m adjusting the length between them sessions as one week is too soon. I feel once every two weeks should suffice. The fluids produced was only approximately one quarter of a tea spoon but…
Posted on February 24th, 2018.Session Length: 2 hours Models Used: Eupho Syn
Following Thursday’s prostate milking session, things continue to progress nicely. Last night, I had a two hour session with my Eupho Syn. The original plan was to switch from the ES to my MGX midway into my session but the feelings I was getting were…
Posted on February 23rd, 2018.Session Length: 15 m Models Used: NJOY Wand
Yesterday after lunch, finally, I had some alone time so I took advantage of it to do another p-milking session. It had been a few weeks since my last milking, longer than I had planned but circumstances prevented me from engaging. I don’t know if…
Posted on January 19th, 2018.Session Length: 24 months Models Used:
On January 18 (today), it has been exactly two years since I first inserted my Aneros Helix Syn. At the time, my back door experience was limited to a few weeks of finger exploring with minimal results. I had been reading the Aneros forum for…
Posted on November 28th, 2017.Session Length: Full time Models Used:
This blog entry is more for my future reference than anything else. Sometime in the future, I will be revisiting these notes and reminiscing on my journey’s progress. Today, I must note how pleasurable my Aless sessions have become. It seems everyday (at least twice…
Posted on November 8th, 2017.Session Length: Models Used:
My last Aneros session was last Saturday evening; it was great as they all are for me. I was looking forward to my planned session for last night. My Helix Syn was ready and so was I. Unfortunately, I had to cancel my plans as…
Posted on October 28th, 2017.Session Length: 2 1/4 H Models Used: MGX
Thursday evening, I had an excellent session with my Helix Syn. The P-waves were plentiful and exquisite, much better than usual. Unfortunately, after 2 1/4 hours of pure pleasure, I had to end the session and retire to bed. My prostate however was not done;…
Posted on October 15th, 2017.Session Length: 2 hours Models Used: Helix Syn
In the week, I had three excellent sessions but the last one had a bit of a twist. Thursday morning, half an hour before my better half went out for grocery shopping, I prepped and inserted my Maximus, strolled around and even went into my…
Posted on September 24th, 2017.Session Length: 2 h Models Used: MGX
My Aneros and Aless continue to evolve in my world of bliss. The more I progress in my journey, the more I understand my body and the pleasures it’s capable of giving me. Thank you Aneros. This Summer, I did a lot of driving and…