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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
Had another session with the Helix switched over to the Mgx with the handle removed. Didn't expect anything big. Did get some good feelings with it. I'm not getting as bummed out (hahaha I kill me) over not reaching nirvana. My expectations are getting more... Read More....
07/23/2008 286
Another session, Had some good feelings with it. Went into the session expecting nothing and was not disappointed when I was done. I am just going to be patient and keep going. I am interested in the Slightest Touch device I have read about in... Read More....
07/21/2008 286
i've been having sessions everyday and sometimes more than one session a day and achieving involuntary spasms almost immediately–i bounce, wiggle and rock, waving my legs and doing whatever it takes to feel that rubbing feeling on my prostate that we all like to feel–unfortunately... Read More....
07/19/2008 280
I don't know what part of use lots of lube repeated throughout the forums and the directions on the device itself I failed to understand. I used what I felt at the time was way too much lube and was amazed at the movement in... Read More....
07/19/2008 286
Haven't blogged in a while. Been using the helix and mgx about 3 times a week with poor results. 1-2 hour sessions with an occasional muscle twitch in my arm or leg. 2 days ago I cut off the handle of an extra mgx I... Read More....
07/14/2008 286
This is my most recent KSMO Blog entry. These words are inadequate but I am at loss for others for now: >As I mentioned in last Saturday's [KSMO] Chat, mrs. a and I had another amazing advance/adventure a few evenings ago… multitudes/multitides Beginning in the... Read More....
07/14/2008 282
had a very enjoyable session with various models–was interrupted once by phone call but able to get back to it after–action starts in a short time, several minutes, and progresses to involuntary shudders of the legs, when i start to rock and wave my legs... Read More....
07/13/2008 280
I've had two more noteworthy sessions since my last blog. Two nights ago, I inserted the MGX while watching tv in my recliner. I recently removed the tail to facilitate this position. I did the relaxation with deep breathing for about ten minutes. I mentally... Read More....
07/11/2008 288
bought a eupho–tried it for a short time yesterday–about the same action as my other models but i didn't have enough time for much of a session–was traveling for several days and haven't had a session for more than a week–i think it will take... Read More....
07/10/2008 280
The last week has brought me a lot of progress in my exploration, starting with the fact that my body has developed a sweet spot that can give me pleasure – without the Aneros! Rubbing or gently pressing on a small area behind my scrotum... Read More....
07/01/2008 287