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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
did session after 2 days off–started with helix for about 50 min–got right to it in hardly any time, about 5 minutes–can get to point where i feel it rubbing in the right place and i can get pleasure from rubbing by bouncing on the... Read More....
07/01/2008 280
First time poster here and a little background. I am a 49 y/o newbie. I purchased my first Aneros about a month ago and am very happy with my toy(s). First 3 or 4 sessions even after reading quite a bit of the forums and... Read More....
07/01/2008 288
The following is a recent post I made in Tantricguy's wonderful Forum thread Rewiring & Women's Orgasm: "Johntrevy, I have come close to what you describe [becoming a disembodied or transformed wholeness-of-being], but rather than the strict geometry of a sphere, it is more amorphous,... Read More....
06/28/2008 282
started out with the helix after a good bm and a lot of lube–arrived at involuntaries quickly and tried bouncing around and humping on my back–got a lot of nice rubbing for a long time but could not get to super o–fun though–tried same with... Read More....
06/28/2008 280
sometimes my prostate or asshole seems to demand that i play with it–this was one of those times–if i lie down on my back and use slow deliberate breathing my prostate will begin to make its presence felt–when this happens i will give it time... Read More....
06/26/2008 280
took yesterday off–thought it would be a good idea–was surprised this morning when i awoke with some "feelings" down in my prostate/anus–let them go where they wanted and was surprised when they built instead of receding–and on my side too, always was on my back... Read More....
06/26/2008 280
the last two sessions were about the same as the previous ones–i get to the involuntary contractions and bounce around on my back and the pleasure mounts and when i stop bouncing and relax fully the aneros adjusts itself to another position and i bounce... Read More....
06/25/2008 280
We recently acquired Davis and Ellen Ramsdale's book Sexual Energy Ecstasy, a wonderful compendium of information and experience. We were really taken aback when we came to page 304-307, "BIO-ELECTRIC SEX", and found such a detailed description of essentially the practice we have stumbled into... Read More....
06/23/2008 282
tried again today–same result as the last 2 times–encouraging but not the big o–have the ability to start with the involuntary spasms after about 5 minutes–accomplish this by just waiting, completely relaxed on my back with my knees in the air–now know what i'm feeling... Read More....
06/22/2008 280
tried again today–doesn't seem like too much action for me–had bm, douche and large lube–this is needed for me–want movement to start things off, although it seems it is not so important once things are underway–did same with each aneros–got very good feelings going with... Read More....
06/21/2008 280