• Busy March

    (This was just posted to my blog at Bateworld.com – thought I'd re-post it here, too) March has been kind of a strange and thrilling month for me, bate-wise. Ever since getting re-wired to have prostate orgasms with the Aneros massagers, all of my bate…

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  • Ticklish Affair

    Greetings. Had an excellent session with the largest Peridise last night. I didn't intend to drag out an Aneros again, but I was doing my usual rubbing and muscular squeezing and the p-waves kept getting stronger until I was in a horny state. I couldn't…

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  • Morning Super-O

    Howdy. Been away from here for a while. I noticed the last time I wrote here was last May. In the months since then, I've had a few good sessions, and a long dry spell in which I was ill and had absolutely no libidinal…

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  • Swirling Vortex of Pleasure

    A long delayed update: since my first super-o in January, I had another one in March. This one went a little better since I had no fear going in. I had a third super-o last weekend. The fact that I've had three super-os in the…

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  • Super-O?

    I think I reached a Super-O, eight months after first getting into the Aneros. This was in a session Thursday night that capped off a very horny week for me. I started off with the MGX and only a few squirts of ID Glide lube….

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  • Teasing It Out

    Just a note that things are proceeding smoothly here in the same direction as the last post – using the MGX along with edging to produce mind-bendingly good mini-os. As I go along, I'm finding there are a few things that make sessions go better….

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  • Edging, and More Edging

    This is a first. I actually started to write a blog entry on my great session from last night, but thinking about it gave me a buzz — so I had to have another quick session. When it's good, it's good! But I'm getting ahead…

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  • Wednesday Weirdness

    Great week. Had an excellent three hour session Monday with the MGX. It climaxed with about an hour of really intense p-waves and dry-os. Although now, looking at the wiki, I think I might possibly be having super-os. They feel like full fledged orgasms, but…

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  • New High

    I just had the best ejaculation of my life a couple of days ago, after a three hour session with the MGX. This came as a surprise, since all of my sessions during September were strictly okay. Although pleasurable, it didn't seem like I was…

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  • Peridise Test Drives

    After three and a half months of MGX pleasure, it was inevitable that I might want to try something new. So — on a whim, I decided to order the Peridise Beginners Set, which arrived a couple of weeks ago. Those things are tiny! After…

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