Welcome to the new Aneros Blogs. If you are new to the Aneros Community, please register.
Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
You might find my second videoclip a bit dull because I've kept the editing to a minimum. I wanted to give a better impression of what a session for me involves, or at least at its beginning. http://www.xtube.com/play_re.php?v=Bn3rC-G821- The big news is that after making... Read More....
09/14/2008 290
As promised, I have made a videoclip with highlights of a recent 45-minute session (20 minutes preps, 25 minutes on camera):- http://www.xtube.com/play_re.php?v=QFOzT-C221- There were two constraints on my time – needing to go work afterwards and having only 30 minutes of high quality video available... Read More....
09/10/2008 290
For those of you interested in recording your Aneros sessions and/or Super O’s, here is how you can do so. There is a website called www.xtube.com. You need to have an account; it’s free and easy to sign up for. If you don’t already have... Read More....
09/09/2008 289
After three and a half months of MGX pleasure, it was inevitable that I might want to try something new. So — on a whim, I decided to order the Peridise Beginners Set, which arrived a couple of weeks ago. Those things are tiny! After... Read More....
09/09/2008 287
Last night I went through a lot of spastic activity and some mild p-waves using the MGX but no Super O's. It was relaxing though. I used a some ID Glide and a little Vaseline around the opening of the anus. Had lots of involuntaries... Read More....
09/05/2008 289
I'm testing this blog thing out. Any advice would be appreciated. Read More....
09/04/2008 289
The other morning before work I tried an experiment. What if I was truly aroused and having a wank when using the Progasm? Bear in mind all my other solo sessions involved me lying in bed with no stimulation other than my imagination. So I... Read More....
09/03/2008 290
I’m now almost 27. When I first saw the Aneros on the shelf at a local adult store in late 2006 I was excited and bought it right then. I believed what I saw on the website over the years about it. It made scientific... Read More....
09/03/2008 289
At the last second I changed my mind to the MGX from the Helix. I read the specs and the MGX looks a little more beginner friendly. I guess I will just need to graduate to the Helix. Well the order is in and I'll... Read More....
09/03/2008 291
Well I have been recieving some suggestions and I have decided to go with the Helix model. So many people seem to be impressed by this one. So I'm going with it. Read More....
09/03/2008 291