Welcome to the new Aneros Blogs. If you are new to the Aneros Community, please register.
Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
Hi guys, Aless as a continuous, powerful experience really came into its own when I began using Tempo in my sessions in late November 2013. When I began using Tempo then, I took to it like a duck to water. It seemed that my Aneros... Read More....
03/06/2015 373
Hi guys, In my Aneros sessions of late, I have been mixing things up as it relates to my Aneros models and their order of use. For a long time, at least a good year, I have been using the following order of models: Eupho... Read More....
03/06/2015 373
Hi guys, Recently I saw a thread on the Aneros Forum on cutting out pornography out of one's life as it relates to Aneros sessions. The thought, which is valid, is that pornography is a distraction from having successful or fulfilling Aneros sessions. I agree... Read More....
03/05/2015 373
Over the years the subject of energy has been a frequent topic in my study of mind – body connections, sexuality and sexual response. It surfaced many years ago when I was immersed in reading about Zen and Kundalini Yoga. It was also a frequent... Read More....
03/01/2015 421
So after my ball draining ejaculation Saturday Morning, Saturday night my desire was steaming and hissing like an old radiator on a cold winter morning. When J and I got in bed that night after the lights went out, J cuddled up against me and... Read More....
02/26/2015 421
23 FEBRUARY 2015 Six miles up and "lovin' it" My travel day started off fairly routinely. I had an e-ticket showing me that I was to fly out of Rochester at 11:30 to JFK and my overseas connection was at 7pm. No problem. When I... Read More....
02/23/2015 406
I finally broke down and purchased a Tempo. What an experience to say the least. I've heard things like the weight of it and how it moves and all of these are spot on! The slickness of the finish allows Tempo to move differently than... Read More....
02/20/2015 453
I've had the Aneros Vice for a few weeks before I starting logging my sessions, so this first entry is simply to summarize my experiences up to that point. So this post covers the time from 2/20/15 )when I received the Aneros Vice( up to... Read More....
02/20/2015 461
I started this blog as a convenient way to track the progress I am making towards my first Super-O and beyond. But it also occurred to me that others may be reading it as well, so I suppose I should take a moment to introduce... Read More....
02/20/2015 461
Since the last writing, I've used my Aneros three more times. Each time, I learn something new, and occasionally I learn things through other activity not involving the Aneros. My second ride was nowhere near as powerful an experience as my first. Frankly, my first... Read More....
02/17/2015 459