• Empty Balls Church Bells and Erect Cocks

    So after my ball draining ejaculation Saturday Morning, Saturday night my desire was steaming and hissing like an old radiator on a cold winter morning. When J and I got in bed that night after the lights went out, J cuddled up against me and put her hand on my chest. I reached up and put my own hand on top of hers in a reassuring pat. After a few minutes I slid her hand down my torso, placing it on my cock as I kissed her forehead.
    This has been my wordless request for a hand job for many years. I can’t even begin to count the number of times I have led her hand that way. There is something elegantly spiritual to me about its simplicity, her immediate wordless response and her desire to be the one giving me orgasmic pleasure.
    She slid down in the bed and wrapped her lips around my right nipple, drawing it into her mouth firmly as she flicked it with her tongue. It stiffened in aching hardness under the taunting tenderness of her tongue, the more she flicked the rigid pebble of flesh with the tip of her tongue, the more my anus began to spasm. She then wrapped her hand around my cock shaft and embraced it below my cockhead; with incredible skill she held it firmly imitating the sensation of me being in her pussy that morning. The firm grip of her hand around the base of my long hard cock did feel somewhat like her pussy mouth gripping my cock that morning as the muscles in her cunt held my cock suspended in the warmth of her pussy. My cockhead was immobilized in the steamy heat of her cunt not touching anything.
    She squeezed my shaft gently but assertively a few times expressing several large fat drops of pre cum from my cock slit. I could not see them but I could feel the telltale vibration at the core of my shaft that told me I was dripping. When she moved her hand up my shaft and placed my frenular cleft in the soft palm of her hand I knew I was dripping because I felt the exquisite slippery friction of her skin on the hyper erotically sensitive taut skin under my cock crown.
    J has become a master using that hold on my cock head, enveloping it in her palm providing eloquently sensual friction as she tugs me off. It allows her to use the copious pre cum that oozes from my cock slit to lube the landing pad for my semen; taking maximum advantage of the precum this grip will give me maximum sensation on my cockhead and will insure that I arch my back and piss a solid stream of cum in her palm.
    So as she rubbed my cockhead in her palm she created that divine tension that she desired; my cock turned to iron as she rubbed and tugged me. There is something primal and extremely arousing feeling her hand on my corona and the pulling tension on my cock root when I am aroused. The intimate eroticism and divine sensation enhances the mind numbing pleasure as I climb the ladder to expulse my hot cum in her upturned palm
    To insure that the supply of precum would continue to flow she sucked my nipple hard as she coaxed my lust hardened cockhead to surrender to the pleasure and regurgitate its cream into her palm. As usual, her magic worked. As I slowly and laboriously climbed the ladder to ejaculative rapture she continued the sweet torture of my nipple in her mouth and the tugging plea on my cockhead. With memories of eating my sweet creamy cum from her warm pussy that morning I reached the pinnacle of orgasm; my large hot cockhead began to rhythmically swell and pulse in the tender caress of her dainty palm. I had reached that divine moment of the point of no return.
    I felt the first spasm of my prostate and the elegant sensation of ejaculative rapture that follows. I then felt the wad of cum make that long arduous journey from my prostate to my aching cockhead. The sweet tingling pleasure of that journey made me arch my back and hump her hand to hasten that moment of anguished delight when I would feel the exquisite itching relief of my creamy semen spilling from my cock slit. And then it happened; the honey of my ecstasy spilled from my cock slit in rhythmic fervor. I felt its heat filling her palm and coating my cock head; it made the fleshy shroud of her hand around my cockhead extremely slippery and extremely hot.
    I pulsed three or four jets of my man honey into her palm as she gently pulled on my cock and urged it to give her more and fill her hand. The gentle tug on my regurgitating cock sent a jolt of electrical pleasure to my prostate and wrung it hard to squeeze the last drop of cum from it.
    Again she repeated the ritual of the morning and brought her cum filled hand up to my mouth and softly asked me to eat it. As she rested the lower edge of her palm on my lower lip she tilted her hand to allow my cum to slide into my mouth. I facilitated its arrival by accommodating its slide into my mouth with my tongue; it was still warm and thick and slippery. When gravity had delivered as much of my sweet cream as it could into my mouth I finished by licking her cum coated hand with my tongue.
    As I said in the previous entry, she has over the years developed deep satisfaction and erotic pleasure making me eat my own cum from her. Sometimes she will take it from her pussy and spread in on her nipple repeatedly so I can lick her nipple clean and suck it off. Other times I drink my warm semen directly from her fleshy fur lined cup; yet other times I will lick it from her palm as I was doing at the moment. As part of our sexual repertoire, she loves it and I am happy to oblige as I know it turns her on. Whether it is by association or it is a result of my evolving sexual taste as a result of my rewiring I have really developed a taste for my own cum. I love the taste, texture and the warm creaminess of it. I can’t tell a lie I especially like the fact that she is feeding me my freshly expressed warm cum from her body.
    So after the second draining release in 12 hours I fell asleep. Then at 4 AM I awoke for what I knew was going to be an exemplary MMO session. I knew because I have learned that having cum brained balls and an empty prostate sets me up for extremely pleasurable sessions. The familiar anal twitching that precedes a great MMO session was happening. My anus was flexing and tingling sporadically.
    J was asleep next to me on her side with her back to me; her left leg bent and raised so the inside of her knee and her thigh were on the mattress and her right leg was straight. This position had shucked her nightgown up so her ass crack was open and her cheeks were exposed. I deftly raised my leg over her right leg which was flat on the mattress and nudged my erection into the warmth of her ass crack. She sighed and pushed back against me. She has told me a few times when we talk about my MMO pleasure that she is grateful that she can offer me a pathway to sensual delight and still get her sleep. She has a great gift for multitasking.
    As anticipated the response was immediate. My anus began to flex and spasm assertively in 4/4 time. In rehearsed precision I began to breathe in time to the spasms to support them and inflame them. Putting my left hand on my left nipple (the more erotically responsive of the two) I relived the erotic session of the previous day when I was satisfying my taste for cum by drinking it from her warm pussy mouth. The thought of the creamy cocktail of her cum and mine oozing from her warm pussy mouth to be claimed by my probing tongue provided more than ample fuel for the anal spasms to ripple up my anal tract and catch the attention of my swollen cum gland.
    The exquisitely sensual ripples of pleasure were like the siren songs of mermaids to my aroused prostate; it could not resist. So as the sweet alluring music of sensual pleasure drifted into my anus, my prostate responded with delicate convulsions of harmonizing pleasure. The resonant chorus deep in my anus was singing its mesmerizing song. I lay there immobilized in the safe warmth of growing euphoria, listening to the silent eloquent music as it filled my head first and then with grace and sensual elegance began to fill my body. I moved my left hand from my nipple to the warmth of my ass crack. Wiggling my finger tips in between my cheeks I found my anus. I love the sensation of fingertips touching it as it is flexing and convulsing in MMO delirium.
    The stage curtain revealing images of me eating my cum from J’s dripping hot pussy came down; it was like a performance came to an end. Then the curtain went back up. In this new fantasy vision I was there in my own bed as I was at that very moment, only this time spooning with my male MMO mentee. We have been planning our first liaison and this was it. In my mind in the present, the ass that my cock was lodged in was no longer J’s it was his. I imagined the sensation of his ass cradling my lurching cock in its warm caress. I amplified the lurid image by imagining that I was reaching underneath his ass to caress his warm, soft balls and fondle his rigid penis as my own cock lurched in frenzied anguish in the soft supple warmth of his ass. The sensuality of that image mesmerized me and amplified my MMO to thunderous chiming resonance.
    My anus was opening and shutting with abandon now; the aggressive spasms of pleasure were prying it open and clamping it shut as my prostate pounded and shuddered in its own convulsive fit deep inside of me. My prostate was pounding so hard I suddenly had the image of a clapper in a big bell.
    In my mind an image started forming, it was of a large church bell in a church we went to when we lived in Maine. I remember Easter mornings when the pastor would ask me to ring it for two or three minutes non stop at the end of the Easter Service. The bell was so large that it would pull me off the ground as it made its swing back and forth. I also remembered going up into the belfry to grease it with him one day. I remember looking under the bell to see the clapper. Even then, before my rewiring I saw the erotic sensuality of that clapper and the bell that surrounded it. The clapper looked like a massive brass cock.
    I backed away from the warm gentle embrace of J’s derriere to let my heavy cock hang like the clapper in that heavy bell. Each orgasmic spasm sent exquisitely rich and luxurious ripples up the core of my cock as it hung from me and made the bell of my anus tingle and vibrate. The spasms that were clenching my prostate made my cock heavy with orgasmic desire. As the orgasms tugged on it they made it swing back and forth; each delightful wave of pleasure made it lurch and dance as its peels of rich erotic pleasure numbed my brain and made the pre cum drool from my slit.
    The MMO chimed inside of me taunting me and teasing to experience even greater ecstasy with each resonant convulsion; then the fantasy image in my brain turned my anus into the bell and my mentee’s cock in my anus became the clapper. The lurid image of anal penetration and the resonant chiming of a hard cock in my asshole coaxed the MMO to an excruciating level of euphoric anguish. The orgasm inside of me held my prostate firmly just as I held that rope years ago and lifted me off the ground as the orgasm chimed and vibrated in me.
    The rhythmic peels of orgasms rang in my anus with the pounding beat of a metronome. My anus and anal canal spasmed in orgasmic bliss maintaining a powerful momentum just as the bell did; relentlessly I was lifted up over and over and over in waves of rapture. The taunting song of ecstasy silently pulled on my cock and made my prostate bang inside of me eliciting ecstatic vibrations in the bell of my anus. Over and over again the blissful sensation of white hot erotic joy lifted me and held me suspended as glorious echoes of sweet orgasmic music rang in silence deep in my asshole. My own cock became a heavy steel clapper that was lurching and tingling as the agonizing ecstasy of multiple relentless orgasms resonated deep inside me.
    When it was over there was a large wet spot of pre cum on the mattress underneath me. Exhaustion claimed me and I fell asleep for another two hours until I needed to get up to go to work.
    My erotic mind is a tease. It swings back and forth taunting me with the sensual femininity of J’s sexy body in orgasmic abandon and then as fickle as can be swinging the other way to tease me with lurid fantasies of sexy cocks and men’s bodies in orgasmic rigor mortis as they spew pearlescent streams of steaming cum from swollen cockheads onto my tongue.

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