• Crossing the finish line

    Well, it finally happened. Session before last I had my first Super-O. I know I've speculated that I might have reached that before, but there has always been some doubt in my mind. This time, there is no doubt at all. It felt exactly like…

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  • Odds and Ends

    -Last blog post I made mention of a stuttering issue I was having with the vibrator in the Vice. I had hoped that I fixed it by slightly pushing down the bottom section of the vibrator. While it worked well for a couple sessions, the…

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  • Mr Fix-it

    Five sessions since my last blog post )all with the Vice(, all but one of them fantastic. I can pretty consistently get multiple Os now, and I start getting them much quicker. I'm currently at a point where I don't think I can progress much…

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  • Vice Vice Baby!

    The Vice has been an absolute champ this week. I used it 3 times since my last blog post, and all three times I ended the session saying to myself that THAT session was the best session I've ever had so far with the Vice….

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  • A rose by any other name…….

    I had about 5-6 sessions since the incredible success I wrote about in my last blog post. For the most part, they were all enjoyable and I achieved quite a number of what I am calling "Super Os". Rather than go into details on any…

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  • Lessons learned

    Since my last blog post, I've had 3 more Aneros sessions. The first two were somewhat disappointing, but ended up providing me with valuable lessons that will help me going forward. The 3rd session, well…… The 1st of these sessions was with the Vice. I…

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  • Boom! goes the dynamite.

    After taking a day off yesterday, decided to give the Vice a go today. After the usual warmups, I started with the vibrator off for about 30 min. Tried various levels of contractions and some nice feelings. Even got some P-Waves going, which is unusual…

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  • Nap time

    I didn't get much sleep last night )see previous blob entry( as I had to wake up earlier to take care of some items. By the time I was done, it was 11:00am and I was pretty tired. I needed to take a nap and…

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  • Time to kill

    I had 2 hours to kill before I had to perform some late night work. Didn't want to take a nap and feel groggy while working, so decided on an Aneros session. The last few sessions were with the Helix, so I figured I would…

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  • Walk this way

    Took an awfully long time to get going today. Did the usual breathing/warmups, but really wasn't feeling anything. Tried different strength contractions and even tried re-inserting the Helix to see if that would help. It took about 45 min before I starting feeling anything pleasurable….

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