• Longest O yet!

    Hello again! It has been a while since I last posted but it has been fairly uneventful. I have noticed something strange, though. I seem to be more successful during anerosless sessions rather than normal sessions. I have actually been able to achieve multiple prostate…

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  • Surprising new peaks

    I feel like I have been masturbating the wrong way all of my life. Tonight's session was simply amazing. After a few weeks of lackluster sessions I think I am finally developing a technique that consistently works for me. The session was pretty typical at…

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  • Practice makes perfect

    Hello again! Hi, I'm back after quite a while of not posting. It has been a month since I got my first Super-O's and things haven't gone quite as well as that first time, unfortunately. For some reason I had a masterful touch that first…

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  • First super o!!!

    After 17 months of regular use of the progasm I finally did it! Totally worth it! This was my first anal toy ever and it seemed like I would never unlock its secrets. It is only because of the promising accounts of experiences on the…

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  • Continued success

    Hello, all. Great news today! I seem to be on a fast track to full rewiring lately! My latest session was my best yet. I tried a different position than usual, laying on my side with both knees up in the fetal position. I just…

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  • Steady improvement

    Hello, all. Back again with another update. Once again, nothing major to report. I figured this last session was worth noting because it is the most "rewired" I have ever felt. Usually, my sessions have a flow to them where some points I feel great…

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  • Breakthrough!

    Hello all, I have exciting news! Last night, I broke my "no consecutive session days" rule but I am glad I did. It started off like any other session but I was able to actually find a "groove." I have been able to get pleasure…

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  • Nipple stim and patience

    Hello, all. I have some pretty promising news today. A couple of days ago after a dud session I decided to see just how far I could go with nipple stimulation alone. I have never been one to go to my nipples for sexual pleasure…

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  • My most successful position?

    Hello again, nothing major to report unfortunately. This week I have decided to start cutting back on traditional orgasms to once a week or so to improve my arousal levels. Hopefully it gives me the extra push I need to make it further. My past…

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  • Up to speed

    Hello, all. Welcome to my first blog entry! I will try to summarize my aneros experiences so far. Last August, about a year and a half ago, I bought a progasm. I was 22 and had little to no experience with anal play at that…

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