• Up to speed

    Hello, all. Welcome to my first blog entry! I will try to summarize my aneros experiences so far.
    Last August, about a year and a half ago, I bought a progasm. I was 22 and had little to no experience with anal play at that point so this toy was my first. I thought about getting the helix instead but ultimately decided on the progasm due to the fact I am tall (6'1") and that the size of the progasm appealed to my baser instinct that bigger is better, lol.
    Anyways, I was completely underwhelmed by the sensations. I got almost nothing out of my sessions for a while, my faith in the experiences I read in the forums kept me going though. I made sure to use it as often as I could, multiple times a week. Occasionally I got a hint of pleasure so my optimism grew.
    One time about a month and a half in, I felt something building and found that thrusting my pelvis and clenching my pc muscles hard actually helped this process. I was focused as could be and even felt hints of an impending orgasm but I simply tired myself out and couldn't make it to the finish line. I later came to the conclusion that I was probably building to a hands free wet orgasm because the sensations were mostly felt in my perenium and involved way too much conscious effort, but simply getting close to any kind of release at all was a positive thing, so my confidence went up again.
    I was never able to replicate that experience but then again, I kinda didn't want to. I instead focused on working with my body's natural responses in order to properly rewire myself.
    In December I saw a sale for the black progasm ice and decided to buy it. I thought that the material of the original progasm might have been hindering the mobility and that the ice upgrade would be worth it. I have found that the black ice is a bit better than the original so I was satisfied with my order. It was also much more attractive looking too!
    For the next 6 months or so there wasn't very many milestones. The sensations simply got slightly better over time. I regularly used the toy, not missing a beat for all these months but I was disappointed with my lack of tangible progress
    During the summer I had gotten a strange idea in my head. One time, after one of my better session, I decided to jerk off afterwards as per usual but this time I did something different near the end. I stroked myself close to the point of no return and stopped. I quickly grasped the base of the progasm and moved it with quick little thrusts against my prostate and to my surprise I was able to bring myself over the edge this way! Finally, a bit of concrete evidence that proves I can orgasm with prostate stimulation.
    I started ending most of my sessions with this technique with the intention of teaching my body to accept this origin of pleasure in relation to orgasm. I think it worked because around August I was starting to be surprised at how consistently good the sessions were starting to feel. I knew I had finally turned a corner with the rewiring process. Over the next couple of months I began feeling deeper surges of pleasure regularly with a definite feeling of something building! I am convinced a dry or super-O is within reach sometime soon.
    So now, here I am today, December 3rd. I can't wait to see were the next session takes me! Wish me luck.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      12/05/2012at2:39 pm

      good luck

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