• I did it again!

    I did it again! Two days from the last mini-O. Today I had an Aneros session with my Progasm Classic and ended up having three little mini-O's right in a row! It was like peak, ebb, peak, ebb, peak, ebb in just a few minutes…

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  • Finally another mini-O!

    So finally I achieved another non-ejaculatory orgasm via Aneros prostate massage today. Yes! I believe it was a mini-O, as the duration didn't seem that long. But the sensation? Oh wow… almost speechless it was so good feeling! This certainly helps me believe all that…

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  • Progasm is great!

    So last night was my second Aneros session after taking some time off from it due to some health problems. So I've been probably close to a month or more away from any play with these toys. But last night was amazing! Still no super-O,…

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  • The beauty of large and relaxing into it.

    So last night I made more progress in my Aneros sessions, and had what I believe to be the most intense pleasurable sensations so far. Wow! The Progasm seems to be the model that my body likes and responds to the most right now. Even…

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  • Trying different Aneros during one session

    So during last night's Aneros session, I was feeling experimental. I started with the Progasm, and found that even though I could get slow and gentle involuntary contractions with it. But I had to relax much more than the smaller models to get this going….

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  • Back in Black Progasm

    I realize I've been long overdue posting anything here as it's been over as year. To summarize, I'm just about a month into my fifth year of Aneros use and still no Super-O's. But I do get very pleasurable sessions when I practice regularly. Which…

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  • Energetic movement & pleasure

    So tonight I experienced more progress in my journey and new sensations. I had a feeling my Aneros session was going to be good, as my warm up arousal building no-Aneros session looking at porn while rubbing my nipples generated some mighty nice pleasure sensations….

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  • Taking a break gives new focus

    So I took a short break from my Aneros since last Thursday when I ejaculated. And decided that I would wait until my body lets me know when it is ready to continue again. So last night while sitting at the computer, I notice that…

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  • Learning to enjoy the Feeldoe More

    Hello People, This is a duplicate of what I posted in the pegging thread (post #62) here. http://www.aneros.com/forum/f5/pegging-12910/ But I wanted it documented in my blog for easy referencing. And also in case the pegging thread ever disappears because it is too old. ——————————– Hello…

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  • Prostate excitement!

    So yesterday I had some very amazing developments. I was kind of rushed and not entirely relaxed as it had been a busy day and was also under time constraints with my Aneros session. So I wasn't terribly optimistic of my session having much going…

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