• Oh My!

    So yesterday I had quite an Aneros session. And what's worth talking about here without repeating myself, is that as I practiced the imaginary prostate rubbing that I mentioned in my previous blog entry. What I found is that just by noticing the sensations, they…

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  • The next step?

    So my most recent progress in my Aneros journey happened today. This morning I woke up in bed and decided to just have a quick and not terribly focused no-Aneros session in bed. The difference was, for some reason I got the idea to imagine…

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  • I dream of incredible progress.

    About three days back if I remember correctly, I was napping on the couch. And I started having a dream that there was some sort of dildo shaped vibrator pushed in my ass with just the end sticking out. And then within the dream I…

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  • The beginnings of bliss?

    So last night I had another Aneros session. And several times I reached these peaks of pleasure where my anus would start involuntarily spasming, which would induce the MGX to auto-fuck my ass. Wow! This has happened before in the last two sessions. And when…

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  • MGX rides again

    So I've been almost exclusively using the Helix since the beginning of November 2009. This started because the Progasm which was my almost exclusively used Aneros for almost a year stopped giving me pleasure. I've since then only had one good Progasm session in the…

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  • New toys

    So I just placed an order for the Feeldoe more double dildo, and the Spareparts Joque dildo harness. http://www.feeldoe.com/new_member.html http://sparepartshardwear.com/product_1.php I can't wait to practice on my own with the Feeldoe. But more importantly (no pun intended), to find a pretty lady that is willing…

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  • Strange Energetic Sensations

    Now here's something interesting… a couple days back I hadn't had an Aneros session in a few days and it was late at night. So I figured I would just have a no-Aneros session looking at porn online before I went to bed. Wow! That…

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  • A change

    So I've been in somewhat of an Aneros lull lately, likely due to events going on in my life right now that are stressful. So I've hardly had any Aneros sessions all month long. And likewise have not masturbated very much at all either. So…

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  • Another step

    So it seems that I've moved on from what I was doing with rubbing my penis lightly during my Aneros sessions to achieve dry-O's. It was a useful experience. But now I find that it is too much of a distraction from the prostate sensations….

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  • The right fantasy counts the most! ;)

    Ok people… I just had the most amazing Aneros session. 😀 But let me step back a moment in time today. When I woke up this morning I was feeling kind of frisky from a dream. So I figured I might try an Aneros session….

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