Ok, so I found out tonight that I was able to repeat the multiple dry-O experience many times again! Yeah! Although I think because I did not wait a day in between sessions, the orgasms didn't seem quite as intense. But they were still…
Posted on September 28th, 2009.Session Length: approximately 1 hour Models Used: Progasm
Ok, so I found out tonight that I was able to repeat the multiple dry-O experience many times again! Yeah! Although I think because I did not wait a day in between sessions, the orgasms didn't seem quite as intense. But they were still…
Posted on September 27th, 2009.Session Length: I didn't keep track. At least an hour I' Models Used: Progasm
So I think that I am making some progress towards achieving super-O's. And thought it would be prudent to post my experience and thoughts just after my Aneros session. I was inspired to have a session without looking at porn prior, and just knowing that…
Posted on September 11th, 2009.Session Length: I didn't keep track Models Used: Progasm, and the larger of the advanced Peridise
So last night as I started a no-Aneros session sitting in front of my computer while looking at porn, I noticed that I wasn't having much sensations. I also noticed that my conscious contractions had unknowingly shifted to PC muscles only. So just to experiment…
Posted on August 27th, 2009.Session Length: no idea Models Used: none
So as of yesterday I seem to finally be back in peak arousal. It's probably been somewhere around one week since I last ejaculated. And it doesn't take much to get me aroused and for the pleasure sensations in my perineum, anus, and prostate to…
Posted on August 25th, 2009.Session Length: N/A Models Used: N/A
So today, during some back forth e-mails with Aneros Support. I found out that they have on record the date of my first Aneros purchase, the Helix. Turns out my prior estimates of usage were short by about 3/4 of a year. I purchased my…
Posted on August 1st, 2009.Session Length: No idea Models Used: None, and then the Progasm later
So yesterday, after two or three days of ejaculation abstinence, I was having a no-Aneros session in my computer chair while looking at some porn on the internet. I was having some pretty strong prostate buzzing sensations prior to this, which prompted me to have…
Posted on July 23rd, 2009.Session Length: I don't know Models Used: Progasm
Well… So much for abstaining from ejaculation. Let me explain. Yesterday I had another morning Aneros session. It was fantastic! But no further breakthrough into finding super-O's. And then through out the day my prostate kept crying for orgasm/pleasure. It's pleasant torture, but it's still…
Posted on July 22nd, 2009.Session Length: Can't remember Models Used: Progasm
So, I have to remind myself to type up these blogs right after an Aneros session. As I seem to lose a fair amount of the enthusiasm the next day. LOL Yesterday I had two sessions. The first one was fantastic! The second a lot…
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Posted on July 9th, 2009.Session Length: Who knows? Models Used: Progasm
It appears my Aneros lull has ended. I had an amazing session last night! I had the most amount of pre-cum on me that I've ever seen. And I could feel my prostate swell with arousal several different times within the session. I also felt…
Posted on June 6th, 2009.Session Length: about one hour Models Used: Progasm
So last night I had another session. It was ok, nothing spectacular. I didn't have much luck with getting my prostate aroused prior to the session from looking at porn. I'm starting to wonder if hard exercise can lower arousal levels. As I started exercising…