• Recent updates

    It's been a while since I've logged in here. Had to take some time away to deal with personal issues and life in general. I continue to practice Aneros sessions. More frequently now than in the last few months. The Progasm is still my Aneros…

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  • Relax…

    So my current approach during sessions is to relax and do mostly nothing. Sort of meditative and focus on deep breathing. But I do a twist on it. I get bored quickly doing nothing. So what I do is concentrate on relaxing all of the…

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  • First time with Progasm

    So my black Progasm arrived today. I gave it a try earlier tonight. It's definitely bigger, and was slightly more challenging to insert. Only because I'm not familiar yet with how to tilt it on insertion like I do with my MGX and Helix. The…

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  • News, and Thoughts

    News: I just ordered a black Progasm! hee, hee I can't wait to try it. I should have it by tomorrow. I ordered it in the black color because I find that my white MGX and Helix have gotten stains on them that will not…

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  • Wow! Back to loving the Helix!

    Hey People, I had another session tonight. I decided I would try the Helix only tonight, as lately I've been into trying to relax, focus on breathing, and just breathing in general through whatever happens. Sort of the do nothing/meditative style of session. At least…

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  • Mistress Aneros MGX is my new love! :D

    Hey People, I just had a fantastic session! I started with the MGX and got some incredible sensations from it. So I thought I'd switch to the Helix, which is the model I normally prefer. But it wasn't doing anything for me. The MGX is…

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  • New positions and techniques

    I was able to have a session last night. Although I had to change up my technique to try and avoid having hands free super-T's. I want super-O's instead! 😀 I laid on my back with my legs straight and spread apart a bit. I…

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  • Lack of arousal and interest

    So tonight was a scheduled night for an Aneros session. I'm not feeling at all aroused or into even trying. I'm not sure if it is either from my onsetting depression, or my marathon four ejaculations on Sunday consisting of three hands free super-T's and…

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  • Curious responses & Deepening Depression

    Had another session a couple evenings ago. My technique to try that time was to flex my PC muscles for as long as I was able so that it pushed my prostrate right against the Helix. This was pretty successful. It was much easier to…

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  • More Learning

    Hey People, Had another session last night. Unfortunately I started too late, and lost some sleep because of it. I tried a suggestion I read from one of Rumel's posts about warming up the Aneros in a coffee cup with hot water in it. It…

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