• Maximus + Eupho

    I thought it was time for an aneros session. I started with the Maximus (1/2 hour), the finished with the Eupho. My aneros sessions are usually pretty tame. But, I keep going back to them because these sessions seem to help my anerosless practice. So,…

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  • Timeline

    OK, so I admit I had several sessions today which led up to this one. I had about 1/2 this morning and about 2 hours this afternoon. The one in the afternoon was interspersed with napping. I had many orgasms (20ish). I was sitting here…

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  • A singularly amazing orgasm

    Yesterday was an amazing day. I started in the morning with a half asleep session. I had another short one in the afternoon that yielded some very nice orgasms. Late in the evening, I decided to spend a couple of hours. When I started, my…

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  • floating bliss

    I went to bed a little early last night and I managed to get myself into a nice floating bliss state. I remember that it felt awesome but some of the details are fuzzy. Unlike other times when I've had a session before bed, it…

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  • I just had a 20 minute orgasm!

    Holy shit! I've never felt anything like this before. I just spent 20 minutes having the orgasm of my life. It was a combination of fluttering anal spasms (see my recent thread) and PC contractions. It just went on and on and on. I'm not…

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  • Kundalini awakening continuing?

    Just a quick one… Starting in the last few days, I am getting the chest/throat sensations at random times during the day. They seem to come out of nowhere and are not associated with any sexual thoughts or mental focus. They're not very strong but…

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  • Interesting experiment and results

    I decided to experiment on sunday evening. I started with the Maximus for about 1/2 hour. I then removed it and launched into an anerosless session. I wanted to see how starting with the Maximus would influence what I could do without anything. Well, the…

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  • Amazing 24 hours

    It started early yesterday morning with about 2 hours of laying in bed, very relaxed. I'd call this a warm-up or "priming the pump". I spent most of the time in a very pleasant orgasmic state. Nothing too extreme but definitely erotic and orgasmic. I…

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  • A very quick update

    I wanted to update as I have not posted anything in a while. I've had several really good anerosless sessions in the last week or so. The sensations in my stomach and chest are getting stronger. I've felt some in my head too. I've been…

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  • Aneros as teacher

    I had a short but phenomenal session this morning. The intensity of the feelings in my abdomen and chest were even higher than a few days ago. It took me very little time (a minute or two) to reach the same level of pleasure that…

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