• sleepless

    Well, I tossed and turned most of the night. I had a lot of pent up energy. I think I woke up at least 10 times with very intense p-waves. The pleasure would build to an extreme level in my body, then subside. No contractions….

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  • A new height

    The full moon must be affecting me as I've been having p-waves and mini-o's all day. About 2pm I decided to lay down and focus on the feelings. I started off without an aneros. The session started like others usually do. I was having intense…

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  • It continues

    I had a phenomenal anerosless session last night. The orgasms ranked as some of the best. All were mostly without contractions (unlike the one from the morning). I had another amazing session this morning when I woke up. Very intense. I ended it with an…

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  • The load that wouldn't stop ;)

    I had a teeny bit of time this morning so I had a maximus session that lasted about an hour. My aneros sessions seem to slowly be getting better and better. For the entire duration, I had really good feelings. The highlight came about 3/4…

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  • Chat sessions are fun

    I participated in my first chat two weeks ago. It was a very interesting experience. From the moment I got on the chat, I started having p-waves and mini-o's. With encouragement from others, I had several dry-o's. We started experimenting with sending energy to each…

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  • awakened

    I was awakened last night twice by orgasms. For the first one, I was half asleep so I don't remember a lot of the details. I do remember laying there for some time having multiple orgasms. At some point, they subsided and I fell back…

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  • It appears to be permanent…

    My ability to get to an anerosless orgasm continues to be phenomenal. Last night, I had an hour-long session that was amazing. The orgasms came pretty easily and stayed at a peak for a long time (one was 10-15 minutes). Sometimes it felt like I'd…

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  • New pathways???

    It seems like my marathon session over the weekend (see my previous blog entry) may have helped me break through some sort of wall. This morning I had a very short anerosless session after waking up. It went from 0 to amazing in just a…

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  • a marathon day

    I spent most of yesterday having orgasms. My day included: -a morning anerosless session -a couple of sessions trading energy with people on the chat -another anerosless session in the afternoon -3 hours with maximus and helix at night -another anerosless session after removal of…

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  • A middle-of-the-night romp with myself :-)

    I had an interesting and somewhat unique experience this morning. I'm sure it's connected to my aneros experience this past weekend; new anerosless experiences usually are. I awoke from a very erotic dream at about 2am. I'll spare you the details but it involved a…

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