• Erotic Dream

    I was awakened this morning by an erotic dream. It left me very horny but still sleepy and relaxed. As I laid in bed, I focused on the images from my dream and let the pleasure build in my body. I found myself experiencing floating…

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  • A dud

    I decided to experiment. Around 11pm, I retired to my bed with the helix and the hypno CDs. I've had the CDs for a while and listened to them with an aneros, but never used them with one. The CDs got me quite relaxed and…

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  • More newness

    I spent a couple of hours this morning. The session was similar to the last one. The main difference was that I got a lot more body spasms. In the past, I would get little twitches here and there. This morning, I had several occurrences…

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  • I'm on no sleep :-)

    I had an interesting and extremely nice anerosless session last night (this morning?). I basically sat and watched TV while intermittently looking at erotic pictures and focusing on my prostate. As before, I was able to "pump" energy into it and hold it there. The…

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  • Oh…my…god…

    I really need to get some sleep but I can't…the orgasms keep coming and coming…incredible…

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  • Mediocre session with helix

    Just a quick entry to document my day. The session was ok…nothing spectacular. I spent most of the time on my back (my favorite position) and got some good feelings but nothing special. I experimented with on my side and on my stomach. I did…

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  • Another phenomenal session

    I had a 3 hour anerosless session this morning. I started in bed about 6:30am. I focused my mind on my prostate and was able to get things going without any contractions. It took less time to do this than the last. After about 2…

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  • Summary So Far

    After several months of aneros use, I decided to take artform's advice and start a blog. As my first entry, I thought I would briefly summarize my experiences so far. I bought a helix at the end of november, 2009. I had always been curious…

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  • A new experience

    I'm just coming off of a new and very interesting experience. First, some background. When I have aneros-less sessions, they involve my laying on my back and using various techniques to generate involuntary anal and PC contractions. Obviously, there's a lot of visualization. I also…

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  • Anerosless, edging, and porn

    I just finished an amazing anerosless session. I don't think I had a super-o but the experience was phenomenal none the less. Prior to my introduction to Aneros, I used to watch porn and edge. Since I got the Aneros, I haven't done this. This…

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