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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
Hi guys, Some guys have suggested recently a nipple diddling technique on our forum. In the diddling technique what you do is place your left fingers upon your right nipple and vice versa, your right fingers upon your left nipple. Somehow this technique really revs... Read More....
11/09/2018 373
Last night I came home from work to an empty house for a couple of extra hours and knew it would be a good time to have a session. I went to my box of toys and dug to the bottom and pulled out the... Read More....
11/07/2018 1199
Good session yesterday. Left me buzzing all night and actually had an A-less in the car on the way to work this morning. Took a light bit of nipple stim to get there but it happened. Tonight’s session was extra special. Lately things have gotten... Read More....
11/06/2018 1274
Guy’s, just had to write about what happened minutes ago, still going on actually as I write this. I had planned a session for this evening but as the night wore on I felt a bit tired and disinterested so decided to give it a... Read More....
11/06/2018 1072
WOW! Had a little time this morning so did a quick session. Things got exciting fast but had to stop. Second session got a LOT more intense. I REALLY wish I hadn’t had to stop it. Sensations are getting MUCH more prostate focused. I can... Read More....
11/04/2018 1274
Hi guys, I briefly must tell you about my last edging session. This morning I stayed in bed and had some awesome slow-mo edging fun only holding my member with two fingers and doing nothing else at all. First to initiate some arousal I had... Read More....
11/04/2018 541
Hi guys, The last Aneros session I had was probably two plus weeks ago. I had so many distractions in my life since then. However my body and certainly my psyche had other ideas. I craved a session the last few days. Really I was... Read More....
11/02/2018 373
I know I’ve been rather quiet in the last few months but I didn’t feel I had much to contribute as all my sessions are pretty well the same; GREAT! Thursday, I had some alone time so I opted for a rare morning session even... Read More....
11/02/2018 1477
This morning I saw my doctor. Last time I had seen my doctor she had mentioned about blood pressure medication and cholesterol medication and wanted me to think it over. My doctor has been aware for years of the fact that my wife and I... Read More....
11/02/2018 1277
Helix Trident is just reliable. Not as intense as the PS-New or Progasm. PS-New is certainly direct. It hits the spot from moment one and continues. Progasm Black is much more direct and causes the most powerful O’s of the three. They all have their... Read More....
10/31/2018 1274