Welcome to the new Aneros Blogs. If you are new to the Aneros Community, please register.
Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
I recently bought a maximus and started a thread about it. I wanted to update my blog. The first session was accompanied by full body sensations I'd never felt before. The second was as well but not as intense. This second session was the next... Read More....
08/07/2010 334
I felt horny this morning and had a little time to spare. So, I parked myself in front of the computer and looked at some erotic images. After about 10 minutes, I had major involuntaries going and was getting very intense dry-o's. I rode these... Read More....
08/03/2010 334
I had an amazing anerosless session last night. I started looking at some porn to get warmed up. Then, I decided to switch to erotic fiction. I've read this in the past but never when doing any aneros/anerosless/KSMO practice. Well, it really did the trick.... Read More....
08/03/2010 334
I tried my helix again this past saturday afternoon. No super-o but lots of very nice mini-o's. For most of the session, I was in a state of heightened excitement. Nothing too intense, but just nice. All in all, it was time well spent. Read More....
08/02/2010 334
Pretty much just popping in to say hello to all. I have been traveling much this summer and my whole routine has been thrown off. When traveling it's very difficult getting some time with my Aneros tools. Sometimes 5 or 6 days would go by.... Read More....
07/30/2010 292
Finally back after several months behind a content filter, where I couldn't access this site or add my own experiences. I'm glad to be back! And it's been a hell of a year since I first started with the Aneros. Last July, I had finally... Read More....
07/27/2010 319
Well, well, well. Here I am at the two year mark of my Aneros journey – still blogging and still grinding. This last April I managed to jump up a plateau to a place where I could achieve what in my opinion was the ability... Read More....
07/19/2010 294
(continued) I had aftershocks following both these sessions. Both times I could partially recreate the leg effects without the Aneros in me. After the second session there was even some moderate shaking, although they were not as long, violent or pleasant. Some day or two... Read More....
07/17/2010 328
(continued) Saturday night/morning, January 9th, 2010. Rougly 2:45 to 5:45 AM. Tried to prepare myself in a more "normal" fashion, and repeat some successful moves. Using Helix, no erotic slideshow, no music, good lightning. Position on the sofa-bed in its "bed" mode. Feet on one... Read More....
07/17/2010 328
Since I got my first Super Orgasm, I have been kind of busy. Not just with more work than the usual amount, but also with having more and better orgasms of the same kind and trying to refine the process. My presence here has turned... Read More....
07/17/2010 328