• Recap: The breakthrough in January, part 3

    (continued) I had aftershocks following both these sessions. Both times I could partially recreate the leg effects without the Aneros in me. After the second session there was even some moderate shaking, although they were not as long, violent or pleasant. Some day or two…

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  • Recap: The breakthrough in January, part 2

    (continued) Saturday night/morning, January 9th, 2010. Rougly 2:45 to 5:45 AM. Tried to prepare myself in a more "normal" fashion, and repeat some successful moves. Using Helix, no erotic slideshow, no music, good lightning. Position on the sofa-bed in its "bed" mode. Feet on one…

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  • Recap: The breakthrough in January, part 1

    Since I got my first Super Orgasm, I have been kind of busy. Not just with more work than the usual amount, but also with having more and better orgasms of the same kind and trying to refine the process. My presence here has turned…

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  • Ten sessions, two dry-O, variation and kitchen appliances

    I now have had myself ten sessions with an Aneros over a period of 52 days. At least I think it is 10… There has been mostly Helix but also mixed in some Beginner Peridise; once with the larger and twice with the smaller. Each…

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  • Finally – my first session

    So, here I was, my body had something boiling, buzzing, pounding, swelling, arousing trapped on the inside. Relaxing helped a little but it still was intense and returned by itself. I even got myself an awake hands-free ejaculation for the first time in my life….

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  • Just ordered my first Aneros – why I decided to give it a try

    I discovered the Aneros website just last week, so this weekend I haven't spent much time on anything besides obsessively reading up on the subject and having breaks for food, sleep and bathroom. Haven't left the house since Friday and it is now Monday noon….

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