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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
So yesterday I had quite an Aneros session. And what's worth talking about here without repeating myself, is that as I practiced the imaginary prostate rubbing that I mentioned in my previous blog entry. What I found is that just by noticing the sensations, they... Read More....
09/03/2010 297
So, I had my first session. Showered, cleaned, lubed, ready to go. I initially inserted it while laying on my side, then i turned onto my back laying normally. I started doing some deep breathing while contracting, as if when i breathed in, i contracted.... Read More....
09/03/2010 345
Just a quick one… Starting in the last few days, I am getting the chest/throat sensations at random times during the day. They seem to come out of nowhere and are not associated with any sexual thoughts or mental focus. They're not very strong but... Read More....
09/02/2010 334
I decided to experiment on sunday evening. I started with the Maximus for about 1/2 hour. I then removed it and launched into an anerosless session. I wanted to see how starting with the Maximus would influence what I could do without anything. Well, the... Read More....
09/01/2010 334
So my most recent progress in my Aneros journey happened today. This morning I woke up in bed and decided to just have a quick and not terribly focused no-Aneros session in bed. The difference was, for some reason I got the idea to imagine... Read More....
08/31/2010 297
It started early yesterday morning with about 2 hours of laying in bed, very relaxed. I'd call this a warm-up or "priming the pump". I spent most of the time in a very pleasant orgasmic state. Nothing too extreme but definitely erotic and orgasmic. I... Read More....
08/28/2010 334
I wanted to update as I have not posted anything in a while. I've had several really good anerosless sessions in the last week or so. The sensations in my stomach and chest are getting stronger. I've felt some in my head too. I've been... Read More....
08/26/2010 334
I had a short but phenomenal session this morning. The intensity of the feelings in my abdomen and chest were even higher than a few days ago. It took me very little time (a minute or two) to reach the same level of pleasure that... Read More....
08/12/2010 334
I am currently having the *best* orgasms of my life. When they hit me, I am paralyzed for minutes. Right now, I'm between them but I feel another one coming soon. Holy shit! This is amazing. I knew this would be a good night because... Read More....
08/10/2010 334
If you've read my latest thread, you've seen that I had some success with maximus + eupho on saturday. It's taken quite a lot of willpower but I have not ejaculated since then. The toughest times were in the shower (you know, soap, rubbing, etc.).... Read More....
08/09/2010 334