• Peridise finally delivered

    I spent about an hour with the eupho. I was especially horny when I started and ended up having some amazing orgasms with the eupho. At one point, the bed was rolling underneath me as if I were floating on the ocean. It was gentle…

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  • Best Eupho session ever

    This morning I had the most amazing session ever. I'm not sure why this session was so phenomenal. One reason could be that I was especially horny yesterday. I spent most of the day having anerosless orgasms and ejaculating (6 times since tuesday evening). I…

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  • private erotic chat

    Last night I had a private chat with another user. I didn't start with the intention of turning it erotic, but it ended up going in this direction. It was an amazing experience. I spent at least 1/2 hour having orgasm after orgasm. We finished…

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  • pure pleasure

    I had a chance for a short session this morning. It started out a lot like my aneros sessions. The good feelings started almost immediately and would peak and subside. They were focused on my prostate but I was getting some nice feelings throughout my…

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  • a full day

    I had a full day to myself today so I decided to take advantage of it. I started with an unbelievable anerosless session. It ramped up very quickly and I had several really good orgasms. This session lasted about an hour. I then decided to…

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  • The last few days…

    I thought I'd recap the events of the last few days. Needless to say, I've been enjoying myself :-). Sunday I was on the chat and, for some reason, became highly aroused. I am often highly aroused while chatting but this time it was a…

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  • Eupho "discovered" and other changes

    I've had the Eupho for 9 months or so but never had much luck with it. I hadn't used it for many months until a few weeks ago. For some reason, I decided to give it another try. I've used it 2 or 3 times…

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  • Energy experiment

    I've started reading "The Multi-orgasmic Man" by Mantak Chia. Last night I decided to experiment with generating sexual energy and seeing if I could circulate it. Generating it was really easy. Drawing it up to my head was also not very difficult. It was much…

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  • Update

    It's been a while so I thought I'd provide and update. Overall things have been going well. I've been having some very nice anerosless sessions and a few with aneros. But, I haven't had any huge breakthroughs. It seems like I can now go from…

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  • Something wild and wonderful is happening…

    So, after my dry-o (see my comment on my last entry), I got into the shower. I immediately started to get intense p-waves. I could hardly stand up they were so strong. I had to hold onto the shower door. I was just standing under…

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