• My observation over the years

    I just wanted to post a few observations I have made over the last few years of Aneros usage. Ok I have used my Aneros massagers in many different ways. For awhile I used e-stim. I would usually attach 2 electrode pads to my penis…

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  • Just saying hello

    Pretty much just popping in to say hello to all. I have been traveling much this summer and my whole routine has been thrown off. When traveling it's very difficult getting some time with my Aneros tools. Sometimes 5 or 6 days would go by….

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  • New levels

    Generally when I use my Aneros toys I start with my Eupho and move on to the larger ones. Each one gives different sensations. Usually I'll use one and after a period of time it'll get played out so on to the next one and…

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  • In retrospect

    Ok so I have so many thoughts about this journey so I thought I would write this over a few days. Pardon me if I ramble on here. I was interested when I joined this site so I looked back at my profile and found…

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  • Desire

    Today I am just looking forward to some alone time. Just like looking forward to a good lover. Thanks Aneros.

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  • Rewiring

    Just a short comment about rewiring. I never really understood the term until prostate orgasm became the norm for me. If I look at it from my perspective now I see a "rewiring" has indeed taken place. Sometimes just the thought of prostate massage using…

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  • Becoming a seasoned vet

    Well I have to say that my body has made this transformation and I have become very familiar with the process of reaching a prostate orgasm. I find the process pretty much effortless and very satisfying to say the least. My journey has passed through…

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  • BPH and the Aneros user

    During a visit to a doctor a few years ago I was diagnosed with BPH. I had just turned 52 and though I am in great shape the aging process is taking it's toll on my body in some way. My enlargened prostate is one…

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  • Dang

    Damn, just when you think you've hit the wall all hell breaks loose. Today was the best session I have ever had. Short but extremely intense. Nirvana! "turn off your mind relax and float down stream" WhoooooHoooo!

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  • Just a friendly hello after some absence

    I just wanted to say hello to all as I have been traveling and other family problems have kept me from being here. My adventures with Aneros have not diminished one bit over the last few months and have actually improved. Most all sessions have…

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