• Awesome anerosless

    I had an amazing anerosless session last night. I started looking at some porn to get warmed up. Then, I decided to switch to erotic fiction. I've read this in the past but never when doing any aneros/anerosless/KSMO practice. Well, it really did the trick. It seemed like concentrating on reading and using my imagination got me more focused on this and less on what my body was doing. I had some pretty incredible orgasms during this part of the session. They sort of built in the background, then exploded. At one point, I think I had a continuous orgasm that lasted 3-4 minutes!
    After this, I turned off the lights, laid down in bed, and relaxed. After about 15 minutes or so, I managed to get myself into a state where I seemed sort of disconnected from my body. It was the most "automatic" things felt in recent memory. My body seemed to take over. The background level of arousal was amazing. And, I had several (many? I can't really remember) intense orgasms. I used the KS a few times and occasionally focused my mind on the feelings. But, for the most part, I just let my body do what it wanted.
    I think this session is in my top 5 so far.

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