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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
SO, it's getting along nicely. I think I may be reaching the mini/dry-o stage. With mini and dry-o's, d you get the same satisfaction sense, but it's just less intense? Today, I didn't feel any satisfaction, but I felt like I was nearing a peak.... Read More....
01/23/2011 345
In the forum I've written about how I think the aneros allows men to have the same kind of orgasm as women get from really, really good sex. And as my experiences have gotten more intense, that belief has strengthened. In my recent sessions, each... Read More....
01/19/2011 351
I've been at it for a little over a month now, and it's been two weeks since my first real breakthrough. I had my first traditional super-o experience, or something just on the doorstep, this last Friday. But this entry isn't really about that per... Read More....
01/19/2011 351
So, since my first entry, I've had numerous sessions to account for. I can't describe them all, but I can give detailed timelines. -Relaxed, slight pleasure around penis, anus, perineum -heavy breathing (like an orgasm), large muscle quaking throught body, yet no pleasure -dud -no... Read More....
01/18/2011 345
I spent about an hour with the eupho. I was especially horny when I started and ended up having some amazing orgasms with the eupho. At one point, the bed was rolling underneath me as if I were floating on the ocean. It was gentle... Read More....
01/15/2011 334
Here's a quick tip. Have some good sex, do not ejaculate, then wait 5 – 20 minutes and insert the aneros. It also helps if you've not ejaculated for a while and thus giving you a high sex drive/arousal. Insert the aneros and manually apply... Read More....
01/15/2011 350
Has it been 6 months again since I last posted an update? Well, it was back in July of ’10 when I went away for a week. When I came back, Mrs. J4 confessed she had been using my toys while I was gone! She... Read More....
01/03/2011 294
Interesting topic title, ey? Let me explain! I live in the third floor of a very old 3-story house, each floor its own apartment. I've been waiting and expecting this, the time when the orgasms I experience in my dreams change. If I was more... Read More....
01/01/2011 350
This morning I had the most amazing session ever. I'm not sure why this session was so phenomenal. One reason could be that I was especially horny yesterday. I spent most of the day having anerosless orgasms and ejaculating (6 times since tuesday evening). I... Read More....
12/30/2010 334
One session before an errand and one after the errand. If I were goal oriented I'd have been disappointed in the first session. I think I felt the aneros on my prostate. I don't think I've really felt my prostate before. At least not in... Read More....
12/16/2010 349