• Sessions 8 and 9

    One session before an errand and one after the errand. If I were goal oriented I'd have been disappointed in the first session. I think I felt the aneros on my prostate. I don't think I've really felt my prostate before. At least not in…

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  • Session 7

    Another spectacular session! I have to be careful, as I told my wife, or I could be doing this all day every day. I set a few goals for today's session. I've been thinking of training as a sexual athlete (maybe I should change that…

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  • New title

    Just wanting to document some things. After about 6 sessions my body is getting accustomed to the aneros. I'm not completely there, but I can begin to sense the novelty wearing off. My intent is to do my meditation every day. I figure I should…

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  • Session 6 (5.1)?

    The dark of winter means getting an early start on evening activities. I was up to bed at about 8:30, while my wife stayed up watching TV. I decided to try my evening routine with the aneros in. I wanted to do some "scales." That…

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  • Session 5

    The journey continues. Early in my practice as I am, I'm beginning to establish a routine. I let my wife know I'm going to meditate. She is invited to witness, participate, whatever. I shower and use the anal syringe. Generally clean up. Lay down the…

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  • Session 4

    Thought I posted yesterday, but I don't see it. Just a quick note to document the process. This being my fourth session, I'm getting better at inserting and getting started. Having a routine helps. I was able to breathe and relax and not bother doing…

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  • Bought two more

    I studied the Aneros store today, and found myself realizing I wanted to try some different models. They had a special on both the Helix and Eupho for $120. A week ago I would have told you it's crazy to spend that kind of money…

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  • Ideas

    First I'll let you know that I'm a newby with aneros. I just had my third session today. But I do have 18 months experience doing a Tantra like exercise 30 minutes every day. My focus in those meditations was the PC muscle, but I…

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  • Spectacular!

    I could get addicted to this thing. I'm glad I set an alarm. I'll definitely want to do some long sessions, but I have to fit them into my work and family schedule. About 1:15, wife left to grocery shop, I let her know I…

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  • It came, I didn't. :-)

    It arrived about 2:30. I had decided to run to the drug store and check out other lubricants and get a rectal syringe. I didn't see any lubes that I liked the looks of. I had read in the forums about the problems with glycerin,…

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