• Best Eupho session ever

    This morning I had the most amazing session ever. I'm not sure why this session was so phenomenal. One reason could be that I was especially horny yesterday. I spent most of the day having anerosless orgasms and ejaculating (6 times since tuesday evening). I also had one aneros session that was nice but not spectacular. Often when I have this kind of day, wonderful things happen in the days that follow. The other possible explanation is that today I used a condom over the aneros as suggested by others. This seemed to change the way the tool moved inside me.
    As it turns out, I wasn't all that horny when I started the session. I was certainly interested in having a session and had a slight buzz in anticipation, but I wasn't super horny. The session had two distinct parts. During the first part, the Eupho fucked me. After lots of really nice pwaves and mini-o's, it started to move really forcefully and drove me to a superb orgasm. It was really like I was being fucked and fucked hard. I've never had anal sex so it's not like I know what this feels like or even that I assume that the sensations I was feeling were similar. It's just that I got the sense that the aneros was aggressively having its way with me.
    After this first part died down, I thought I was done. But, I laid there for a while. After 5-10 mins, feelings started to well up again. This time, it felt like the aneros was making love to me. It gently pulsed inside me. The movement was very subtle and completely automatic. It felt like it was loving and caressing me. This lead to another phenomenal orgasm. All the while, my body was quivering slightly.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      01/01/2011at3:40 pm

      I must try the condom method.Congratulations on your success

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