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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
I bought my Helix in October 2009 and the Hypnaeros tracks shortly after, and began using them regularly. I researched techniques and tricks and tried everything I could think of, but after a few months of absolutely no progress, I began to get discouraged. I... Read More....
07/27/2011 360
OK, let's get this going. Remembering the guide, I started with breathing. And thinking "don't touch my cock". Got to the light flexing stage. Started getting some trembling in the legs. Is this good? Then all of a sudden I've got a rock hard cock.... Read More....
07/24/2011 363
Been thinking about how to improve. Found a great guide here, and can see that I'd not invested enough time in the session. Also realised how different this was to using any other toy. This definitely isn't like a vibrator. It needs time and attention.... Read More....
07/24/2011 363
Never had a toy up my arse before. Have tried a finger from time to time, but nothing else. So I was keen to take things easy. I'm not gay, but I'm also not shy of exploring some anal delights. Truth is, I have wanted... Read More....
07/23/2011 363
It was around 9:00 Tuesday evening, took a shower to relax, broke out my new MGX and begin to prep it and myself. Turned on the TV for background noise and laid down on my left side. Begin my slow breathing as I always do.... Read More....
07/21/2011 362
Just got my MGX in a few short moments ago, I took it out of the box to match it up with the SGX and the helix. Surprising to me it is a lot larger then the SGX, which is what I wanted, and from... Read More....
07/19/2011 362
Woke up this morning about 6:00, I felt like it would be a good time for a session. Started off relaxing for around 10 minutes. Shortly after that I begin my small contractions. After about 30 minutes passed I felt a small amount of fluid... Read More....
07/17/2011 362
I thought I would start this blog to tract my success with this product. I really not sure how I even stumbled on this site but I'm glad that I did. For the last 6 to 7 years I've had a problem with the need... Read More....
07/16/2011 362
Here we are at the 3 Year mark anniversary on my personal Journey. I wonder how many people have come and gone over this period time – how many have tried and found success? How many have tried and given up? I don’t fall neatly... Read More....
07/15/2011 294
When I started this journey a little over two years ago, I was pretty clueless of what to expect. I had been through open heart and by-pass surgery nine months earlier; and, my Beloved and I had not had sex together for a year. Even... Read More....
07/14/2011 356