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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
07/08/2011 359
This is my post from ten_s_nut's General Discussion forum thread on anal erotics possibilities: Great discussion men and increasingly informative poll, thanks ten_s_nut!! (QUOTE) Originally Posted by ten_s_nut Thanks for the comments, rip and priapusone. One thing that has surprised me about this poll is... Read More....
07/06/2011 282
I jokingly asked in an aneros forum post [http://www.aneros.com/forum/f5/describing-your-sexual-experience-maximum-pleasure-15576/#post99149] (See Post No.4) whether the awakening of my anal and prostate pleasure receptors would pose the risk of an inadvertent boner during a DRE at the doctor's … well it kinda sorta happened just last week... Read More....
07/01/2011 355
The STRESS of my life situation continues to KILL MY DRY/SUPER-O's! I just finished a VERY NICE two hour session and go right up to the EDGE of a DRY-O but could not seem to spill over into multiple DRY-O's like I had a few... Read More....
06/10/2011 1
Saludos a todos, Soy Roo un Chico de Gay de 23 años que vive en México, sexualmente inter (por si les interesa), inicio este blog con el fin de compartirles el momento en el que compruebe y conozca lo que es un SO en esta... Read More....
06/01/2011 358
Well what a journey I have been on in the relatively short time I have been working towards MMO. I have learnt a lot and yet there is still even more to learn and to experience. On this journey I have chanaged my outlook on... Read More....
05/27/2011 353
So its been a while since I checked my draw under my bed at university for my secret naughty notes to write my blog. I have undertaken lots of new sensation and have even taken up KSMO which works well 🙂 26/4: I started a... Read More....
05/11/2011 353
It has now been two years since my aneros journey started. Since that time, I have expected nothing; and, I have been richly blessed — both within my marriage and self. My knowledge of my sexual creation and potential has increased to limits previously unknown;... Read More....
05/05/2011 356
Ok its been a while since my last blog post and I have been busy with good reason im back home again from university to revise for my finals. Its nice to be back home and away from possible interruptions from flat mates but however... Read More....
04/24/2011 353
Well instead of getting on with some maths revision as im a student I thought I would relax and fill you all in on my journey. As always its been very eye opening and I have enjoyed the outcomes. I look forward to learning more... Read More....
03/29/2011 353