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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
After my Sunday morning session I spent some more time reading the wiki and postings on the forum. I had 3 things I wanted to try differently. Firstly my position. Lying on my back I did not have any support to lift me off the... Read More....
08/02/2011 364
Saturday and Sunday morning I had sessions lasting about an hour, but I did not experience anything different from my first session. I was not disappointed by this as I knew from everybody's comments on the forum and in blogs that this is a journey... Read More....
08/02/2011 364
My MGX arrived last Thursday and as my wife was working for the afternoon and evening I thought I should make use of the quiet time and have my first session. I should point out that I have a spinal condition called Cauda Equina that... Read More....
08/02/2011 364
I just got my HELIX! I was so excited that my hands where shaking.. and I almost dropped the package. My first ride with HELIX felt so good!!! 🙂 I totally prefer HELIX to MGX. It just slides in and out smoother, and it also... Read More....
08/02/2011 361
What I learned today will hopefully help me on my road to the super O. I've read so many recommendations about letting your body go, and letting it guide the way. I understood the words, but never the true meaning until today. And, there is... Read More....
08/01/2011 1
Unbelievable session! the second part was the best so far, my whole body was shaking and I was able to maintain my MGX free in motion. Very pleasurable way to use Sunday 😀 and I'll get my very first HELIX tomorrow!!! can't wait! 😀 Read More....
07/31/2011 361
Had a morning session today cause the house was empty. Today I laid on my right side for the first hour, and then rolled to my left side. For previous sessions I was on my left side so I thought I'd see if it made... Read More....
07/31/2011 1
OK, the house cleared for a bit today and thought I could squeeze in my second session. I did about an your, and I'm disappointed because as I'm typing this about an hour after that no one is still home…meaning I could have had another... Read More....
07/29/2011 1
My first session was about a week ago. Very interesting, very frustrating, and very promising all in the same session. I finanlly had the family out of the house for a few hours so it was time for the first test drive. I used Liquid... Read More....
07/29/2011 1
Una disculpa tenía rato que no ingresaba, y sabe el trabajo y otras actividades. En fin, pues cómo en aquella ocasión les comenté saldría de viaje a Tijuana, en aquella ocasión el primer intento pues emoción y grandes expectativas de mi nuevo Aneros, el viaje... Read More....
07/27/2011 358