It was around 9:00 Tuesday evening, took a shower to relax, broke out my new MGX and begin to prep it and myself. Turned on the TV for background noise and laid down on my left side. Begin my slow breathing as I always do….

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  • Something New

    Just got my MGX in a few short moments ago, I took it out of the box to match it up with the SGX and the helix. Surprising to me it is a lot larger then the SGX, which is what I wanted, and from…

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  • Helix Session

    Woke up this morning about 6:00, I felt like it would be a good time for a session. Started off relaxing for around 10 minutes. Shortly after that I begin my small contractions. After about 30 minutes passed I felt a small amount of fluid…

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  • The Begining of my Journey

    I thought I would start this blog to tract my success with this product. I really not sure how I even stumbled on this site but I'm glad that I did. For the last 6 to 7 years I've had a problem with the need…

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