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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
Just read Ligaman's terrific erotic entry of January 7th, and responded as follows: ["Lingham – DUDE! What a beautiful and erotic post. Surely the giving of pleasure is a most satisfying amplifier of the giver's own bliss on our journey to ecstasy. I firmly believe... Read More....
02/05/2014 355
Ok gentlemen … here is the most honest blog entry I have ever done. Any of you who have chatted with me already know this, but to the rest of you all …. Here it is ….. enjoy. The motivation for this entry is a... Read More....
02/05/2014 421
So I thought I could just type out a blog entry about my sexual experiences and share it with untold strangers on the Internet without my newly awakened prostate taking notice. I thought I was about to go to bed, but other forces were at... Read More....
02/04/2014 431
MGX classic with many very pleasurable experiences. The ryhthmic feeling of the classic felt amazing and on occasion I would experience what I would define as small O's. But I never experienced a Super O. I had convinced myself they did not exist or would... Read More....
02/04/2014 428
Hi guys, One major reason why I started working with my Aneros tools six days a week is that I find I enjoy so much the anticipation of having a session during Aneros foreplay. The areas directly affected by my Aneros tools are of course... Read More....
02/03/2014 373
This post will have good portions of sessions and activities before this evening, but I think some of it will be helpful for others just starting out. ———– This has been an amazing three days after getting my first Aneros. I had already been reading... Read More....
02/03/2014 431
Back again and now finally able to write this calmly. The afterglow and effects from a session seem to stay with me longer now. So I just drained the hose. Meaning i just emptyed my ball sack from 8 days of edging while riding my... Read More....
02/03/2014 401
So the weather is getting pretty bad here in the midwest. So that mean off days and a crowded house wiith no fun time to myself. But today was a lucky day. My patrents wen out to dinner which left me hours of free time.... Read More....
02/01/2014 401
Hi guys, I am so glad that I have discovered as one of my now preferred Aneros positions, Lying on my Right Side in the Fetal Position. It is a position that is preferred by many Anerosers. For me, it is my preferred position for... Read More....
01/30/2014 373
Hi guys, I may have had my first Anerosless Super-O last night. I believe that this Aneros blessing is a consolation for the excessively cold weather we've had here in recent weeks. Yesterday morning my apartment was very cold due to temps in the teens,... Read More....
01/29/2014 373