• Savoring Aneros Foreplay and Afterplay and Aneros Downtime

    Hi guys,
    One major reason why I started working with my Aneros tools six days a week is that I find I enjoy so much the anticipation of having a session during Aneros foreplay. The areas directly affected by my Aneros tools are of course my prostate, anus, perineum, anal canal, anal musculature, and anal sphincters. My penis, testicles, and auxiliary sexual organs also this attention too, though indirectly.
    Also directly involved are my erogenous zones, most particularly my nipples, my hairy pecs, abs, my pubic bush, scrotum )which I shave just about every day, and my hairy thighs. My erogenous zones and even the just of having a session fuel my sexual arousal. All this is the essence of my foreplay.
    When I engage Aneros foreplay, I am guaranteed in most instances a successful session, one that leaves me fulfilled and wanting more!
    Then there comes Aneros afterplay which comes as I come down from the heights and pleasures of direct Anerosing. My Aneros afterplay or afterglows often last for hours after a session. Quite often an Aneros afterplay or afterglow is even more powerful than, even a delayed reaction to sessions themselves.
    I didn't have any session over this past weekend. I had some things come up which preempted my Saturday session. Saturday sessions are often my best sessions of the week when there is little distraction and I have the leisure to go slowly with my Aneros team. Sundays are days off from Anerosing. Sundays are good for resting from the rigors of the Aneros.
    Yet Sunday afternoon and night yesterday, I found myself lusting after my Aneros guys. My craving for a session increased a great deal until I went to bed last night. In a few minutes, I begin my Monday morning session during which my Aneros horniness will be satisfied!
    Take care!

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