• My Response to Lingaman's 01/07/2014 Blog Entry ["Her Orgasm Delivered with Love"]

    Just read Ligaman's terrific erotic entry of January 7th, and responded as follows: ["Lingham – DUDE! What a beautiful and erotic post. Surely the giving of pleasure is a most satisfying amplifier of the giver's own bliss on our journey to ecstasy. I firmly believe…

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  • My Recent Complete Physical Exam

    I jokingly asked in an aneros forum post [http://www.aneros.com/forum/f5/describing-your-sexual-experience-maximum-pleasure-15576/#post99149] (See Post No.4) whether the awakening of my anal and prostate pleasure receptors would pose the risk of an inadvertent boner during a DRE at the doctor's … well it kinda sorta happened just last week…

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  • product inserts

    since last saturday am's watershed event had several opportunities to park my pro in its favorite garage … no repetition yet of reaching the crest butt there's been sufficient rewiring that – if i'm hightly aroused – the prostate now begs for a little attention…

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  • from Paradise Lost to Prostate Found

    Had my progasm about 4-1/2 months and started out with a dead ass – new to all things anal as far as my own butt … hot water soapfoam wash and soak for relaxation slow and gentle finger teasing allowing my sphincter to be more…

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