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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
Hi guys, In the last couple weeks, I have taken a quantum leap in my Anerosing with the adoption of new Aneros positions in my sessions. In this post, I will enumerate briefly all the Aneros positions I now use, often to great effect! 1.... Read More....
01/29/2014 373
Hey guys. Back again with another crazy ride. I wasn one of my crazy breaks from riding and cumming again. 8 long nasty horny days of not cumming. But I did play around in my ass a lot. Like for me after a hard days... Read More....
01/26/2014 401
Hi guys, From almost the very beginning of my Aneros sessions more than eighteen months ago, I have been using the Aneros position of lying on my back with a folded pillow to support my butt. I also used four pillows to support my upper... Read More....
01/23/2014 373
I've had numerous sessions since my last entry, with varying degrees of "success". Let me start out by saying that all of the sessions have been pleasurable, and I really enjoy having my helix inside of me. After the success of my MMO session, I... Read More....
01/22/2014 423
Hi guys, Those who know me at Aneros Forum, or have chatted with me in Aneros Chat, or have read my blog here know that I have an intense jock and cup fetish which began in puberty when I had to buy a jockstrap for... Read More....
01/21/2014 373
Hey guys been gone for a while but I'm back. I have learned a lot on this journey and it has changed me into the man you see in the chat and forums post then nowledge i now know. I have progressed so well that... Read More....
01/21/2014 401
First blog, I have been using the Aneros Progasm for about 3 weeks now and I love it. My wife has played with my ass for over 20 years and she bought me this for Christmas. I have had many Super Os over the years.... Read More....
01/16/2014 430
I tried several toys in the past with low success but also low engagement. My experiences weren't very good and that's why I want to reassure people with this blog. Problems I had: – don't feeling much, when the toy is inserted. – Unability of... Read More....
01/16/2014 429
So i have been having no rest time or free time to ride due to being back at work. Even tho i deal with little kids not having them for a full week had us teachers back up so no fun for the O luver.... Read More....
01/15/2014 401
So oddly enough, after my blog post, which was the last time I had a mini-O or dry-O of some sort. I haven't been able to reproduce it again yet. But what has happened is that with almost every session I get right up to... Read More....
01/14/2014 297