• A quantum leap with Tempo : Thursday August 2 session

    Hi guys,

    Early Thursday morning yesterday I had an extended session with Tempo which was actually a quantum leap.

    First I rode Tempo maybe fifteen to twenty minutes. It seemed that I was actually edging with Tempo. Ever since I pulled Tempo out of retirement last winter, I have used Tempo as a powerful accelerant which enables my other Aneros models to massage my prostate and anal musculature in more determined, powerful, yet pleasurable fashion.

    After riding Tempo, I went on to Progasm ICE which worked well for ten minutes but didn’t produce the satisfaction I so desired. Then I worked with MGX which always hugs and embraces my prostate as he rides me, thus produces tons of pleasure. MGX is one of my favorite models.

    I had wanted to go on to Maximus, also a favorite model, but had a hankering to return to Tempo instead.

    Tempo is an Aneros model that can be worn inserted comfortably standing, walking, sitting, or on your side or back on your bed. Some guys love to do this, even outdoors while running errands.

    I discovered yesterday that despite my recovered hip, I can walk about my apartment with Tempo inserted.

    Then at I sat my PC with Tempo viewing erotic pics on tumblr.com and reading erotic stories on nifty.org. That is when Tempo kicked in as it was designed to produce a most pleasurable and delicious auto-fuck rhythm I have experienced. It seemed that I was surfing a delicious series of waves of pleasure during I enjoyed immensely one Super-O after another, actually six or seven of them in of forty minutes of riding Tempo in this fashion. And yes, diddling my nipples had a very powerful effect on this mix.

    Afterwards the afterglow of my Aless was amazing. The auto-fuck rhythm continued throughout the day as I pondered this quantum leap. I also had reflected the fact that Tempo has become an amazing fuck buddy. I lamented somewhat his absence as I enjoyed my Aless while engaged my intellectual work.

    However Tempo has very addictive properties. So I am cautious of his seductive characteristics.

    I could not resist another session with Tempo this morning. To start I used Helix which as one of the original Aneros models has always well with me. Tempo went deep and curled around and embraced my prostate as he massaged me. I reveled in this very sweet, powerful action for perhaps twenty minutes. Then I sat with Tempo at my PC for probably thirty minutes and had a Super-O with him.

    Tomorrow Saturday I hope to have a rather leisurely session with Tempo. I may start the session with either Helix, MGX, or Maximus. Take care!


    • Avatar for GGringo


      08/04/2018at12:03 am

      @BigGlansDC, very interesting post on your success with Tempo. I never took the Tempo nor the Peradise models as serious contenders in the Aneros world of pleasures. I maybe need to reconsider for when I will be able to acquire another one for my collection.
      Thanks for sharing.


    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      08/04/2018at2:11 am

      @GGringo, So good to see you here after several weeks absence. I hope you are enjoying summer up your way.

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