• October 31 & November 1 sessions ; Some corrective measures ; Glorious chairgasms

    Hi guys,
    This past Sunday morning, I could tell that the upcoming general election for president and other national leaders was on everyone’s mind at church because there was a somberness and surliness in the air. It wore me out. I was so glad to return home in the afternoon. I went to bed early last night to sleep off the exhaustion and actually had an unsettled sleep.
    Anyway I hankered for a session this morning, October 31. It lasted about an hour with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE in the 7 o’clock hour. Before shaving, bathing, and dressing to get some coffee and breakfast from 7 Eleven, I had a sizable BM as a way to get ready for the session.
    Yet the session seemed lackluster which mystified me. Despite this, I worked with the models as well as I could. After the session, and cleaning up and redressing, Aless began, but also seemed lackluster. So I paid a visit another visit to the bathroom and had a real big BM! Now there is developing and unhindered Aless. Take care!
    The lesson from the Monday October 31: Make sure you have a good sizable BM in advance of a session, preferably a hour or two at the least.
    This morning I had a real good session which lasted about an hour way before at sunrise, again with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. The models worked away so freely and unhindered. Now I hardly need to do anything of effort with my Aneros buddies except perhaps rhythmic breathing and subtle anal contractions. It is all so manly, yet so exquisitely sweet as I think about it right now at 2:30 p.m. in the afternoon!
    Also from 7:30 a.m. this morning, I have had one chairgasm after another. Sometimes a chairgasm will come out of nowhere as an isolated event. Sometimes they come as a chain of waves, sort of like a tsunami. I can rev up the intensity of my chairgasms through stimulating and caressing my nipples, hairy chest, abs, thighs, and my navel. My nipples, hairy chest, and navel are hot spots hardwired to my awakened prostate, anal musculature, perineum, penis, and scrotum. Calm and slow breathing and even just thinking about Aneros and what it does to me are enough to intensify my Aless and my chairgasm episodes! 🙂 Take care!


    • Avatar for GGringo


      11/01/2016at10:17 pm

      @BigGlansDC when I read your blog, I can’t help but appreciate all of pleasures the discovery of Aneros has given me not counting the health improvements I’ve experienced. I keep thinking, there must be a downside to all this; it’s not normal to have something good that does not have a downside (like sugar or salt or…).
      Take care. Great blog!

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      11/03/2016at3:47 pm

      @GGringo, if you overdo in your Aneros sessions, your body will let know with pain or you will have a lackluster session, even a dud! I pay attention to such in my sessions, and thus to bring the session to a swift end, or just hold off on having sessions for a while.

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