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Is prostate orgasm spiritual and deep work for you? Poll is created on Jan 25, 2023

Poll results: Is prostate orgasm spiritual and deep work for you?
Voter(s): 19
Poll is created on Jan 25, 2023
Yes, it is a deep spirtual tool for me  -  votes: 6 / 31.6%
No, I use it only for pleasure  -  votes: 13 / 68.4%
I want to see results  -  votes: 1 / 5.3%

Prostate Orgasms, Spirituality, Inner work, Life balance.

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Hello fellow Aneros forum members. I used to be read only, but now I want to participate in this such incredible community. The topic of prostate orgasms fascinates me. This is going to be my first post. I want to touch on the matter of Spirituality, Psychedelics, Awakening and prostate orgasms.

My prostate journey started at 14. I used porn and anal play as an escape from boring life and personal trauma. I was pleasuring myself without knowing what is PO, SO and pleasure waves. Once I got access to internet and learned what is PO, I started to chase it ever since.

I was hiding this habit from everybody else and didn't think much of it for a very long time until I discovered Aneros toy. Prior to that I only used dildos and other type of toys. And it was a regular routine for me like masturbation. I had very pleasurable sensations from them and I was expecting that the aneros will just enhance them to a higher degree and PO will be as similar as penile orgasm but more stronger and longer lasting.

One year ago I decided to start my journey to PO using Aneros toys. For me it was kind of a major goal in life since I was a kid. I also practice meditation, yoga, and I have very big interest in philosophy, and psychedelics(never used one aside from weed).

Long story short I hit my first prostate wave after 3 sessions. it was completely different from regular feelings I had, and I wasn't ready for it. I felt ecstasy and bliss feeling. I was puzzled and confused, then I developed common prostate awaking symptoms like occasional tingeing, prostate twitching,etc. I was so scared of it. Going into this journey I was seeking pleasure and escape but not the inner work i need to do with my life.

This event started to unpack my trauma (nothing major it is my parents divorse and bulling in school) and bad feelings that were locked for a long time. Reading about Kundalini awakening and people posting about non ending pleasure, keeps me worried to the same day. After that I decided to hold on on prostate play. I quit porn and masturbation for a month, only had sex with my wife.

One day I was in a cafe and having my meal, I was looking at things it was very sunny, and I felt nostalgia from my childhood. And right after that it triggered the exact same wave of pleasure. I was shocked because of the setting. I wasn't expecting this sitting in the cafe. Right after that I start to experience very strong panic, I immediately went to the street and start walking to distract myself. Since then I didn't have any progress on my journey. I can feel good amount of pleasure, but not the pleasure waves I was experiencing prior. Also with meditation, I think prostate orgasms are somehow connected. I googled everywhere and there is not much info and explanation about this. Western since fails to explain it, they can tell it is a seizure or manic states but it is certainly not to. From the yoga teachings they tell it is Kundalini, Chi, Chakras etc. There are not many people knowing a lot about it and how to control live with it. And it gives me a lot of anxiety.

To me PO, and SO seems like a gateway to a psychedelic states. From what I know you experience same states on psychedelics. And I'm very afraid going into it without any proper knowledge on how to handle this, and live with it to the rest of the life. Some people handle this super power well, some people having terrifying experiences. I've seen multiple posts on reddit and here about non ending pleasure and how people are overwhelmed by it. But there is no way of keeping track of how often in happens and how to avoid it and which mindset to use when dealing with this. It has been one year since it happened and I still use Aneros. But I think I have lots of resistance to PO because of that. It also affected my meditation and spiritual growth I'm afraid to go deep now. I have a feeling that when I will go deep I will inevitably tune in into this bliss state. And this bliss state will consume my life.

I would like to hear your opinions and life stories or knowledge you have on that matter.

PS. Sorry for grammar mistakes. English is not my mother tongue.

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@astronaut, First I'd like to welcome you to our little community, and I encourage you to read through the Stickys of the Newbies Nook to start your information search.

Posted by: @astronaut
Going into this journey I was seeking pleasure and escape but not the inner work i need to do with my life. This event started to unpack my trauma (nothing major it is my parents divorce and bulling in school) and bad feelings that were locked for a long time. Reading about Kundalini awakening and people posting about non ending pleasure, keeps me worried to the same day.

There have been a few reports of uncontrolled spontaneous orgasms which may be associated with a condition called Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, see the thread Far too many orgasms? and the study report Prostate?induced orgasms: A concise review illustrated with a highly relevant case study but these are very rare occurrences. You have to understand there is a lot of hyperbole about the ecstatic states you may reach with prostate based orgasms but ...non ending pleasure..." simply is not true. Yes, the orgasmic state maybe extended to minutes at a time and an Anerosession may have multiple orgasms over a period of a couple of hours but they do eventually end when your body has had enough release of energy so this should not be a concern.

There have been reports asserting that Aneros use may be a contributor to the awakening of one's Kundilini energy. One such case involves member @smudgefish, a doctor who had and discussed his experience with this phenomenon with numerous posts on the forum. Here are a few threads which have discussed this phenomenon -> Have I awakened my Kundalini, Kundalini Rising, What are your thoughts on Kundalini and psychosis?, All you rewired folks, Please help me. (kind of urgent). This article from offers some suggestions for relief from Kundalini syndrome like symptoms. Again these are rare circumstances of extreme reaction to Aneros use but your familiarity with yoga and meditations practices are excellent safeguards to ground you from such effects.

Posted by: @astronaut
One day I was in a cafe and having my meal, I was looking at things it was very sunny, and I felt nostalgia from my childhood. And right after that it triggered the exact same wave of pleasure. I was shocked because of the setting. I wasn't expecting this sitting in the cafe. Right after that I start to experience very strong panic, Since then I didn't have any progress on my journey. I can feel good amount of pleasure, but not the pleasure waves I was experiencing prior. Also with meditation, I think prostate orgasms are somehow connected.

I have long maintained that Anerosessions are, for me at least, a form of erotic meditations and emotional material from my past does sometimes emerge from these sessions to be resolved. It sounds to me like you may experienced something similar and may have stumbled into some form of cognitive dissonance that needs resolution. Please see the thread Identifying Obstacles to Progress.

Posted by: @astronaut
To me PO, and SO seems like a gateway to a psychedelic states. From what I know you experience same states on psychedelics. And I'm very afraid going into it without any proper knowledge on how to handle this, and live with it to the rest of the life. Some people handle this super power well, some people having terrifying experiences. I've seen multiple posts on reddit and here about non ending pleasure and how people are overwhelmed by it. But there is no way of keeping track of how often in happens and how to avoid it and which mindset to use when dealing with this. But I think I have lots of resistance to PO because of that. It also affected my meditation and spiritual growth I'm afraid to go deep now. I have a feeling that when I will go deep I will inevitably tune in into this bliss state. And this bliss state will consume my life.

OK, let's unpack a couple of things here. Yes, strong prostate based orgasms can certainly put one in an altered state of consciousness much like psychedelics can do and you can mitigate the downside potential of these states with the same approach that psychedelic therapists suggest, that is, pay attention to Set & Setting. Please also see the thread Identifying Facilitators to Progress.

It sounds to me like you are also experiencing a phenomenon that Jack Johnston of KSMO fame labeled "Terror at the Gates" when approaching these heightened orgasmic states. For a discussion of the fears one may have of delving deeply into their own psyche with Aneros use please see the thread Concerned. You need to be able to trust yourself that your body will never do harm to itself, it is your ego that is creating these obstacles and your fear of losing control. The Aneros journey is largely a mental adventure, please see @rook 's thread Whole Body/Whole Mind - the mental side & my post -> "zoneros" for a little insight. It also may help to read the threads "Just Let Go !" and Aneros and an 'Optimal' mind state? for some thoughts on getting your mind working for your Aneros journey.

As for the spiritual aspects of this journey, Aneros guru @B_Mayfield coined the term "Tantric Training Wheels" for these massagers and indeed they are that. You may be interested to read the thread Automatic tantra?, which discusses some of the spiritual aspects of this journey. You might like to look at Somraj Pokras's book Male Multiple Orgasm, which has lists of resources and courses, and music/voices. Check out Michael Winn's paper The Quest for Spiritual Orgasm and look at The Tao of Aneros.

Good Vibes to You!


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Welcome to the Forum, and thanks for sharing your experience. 

These are pretty complex questions, and I'm afraid that there are no simple answers. You can start with this thread  : Avoiding Kundalini Syndrome – General Discussion – Aneros Forum.

But it's unlikely to answer everything.

Posted by: @astronaut

Going into this journey I was seeking pleasure and escape but not the inner work i need to do with my life.

This is a fantastic observation and I understand what you mean. 

Posted by: @astronaut

To me PO, and SO seems like a gateway to a psychedelic states. From what I know you experience same states on psychedelics. And I'm very afraid going into it without any proper knowledge on how to handle this, and live with it to the rest of the life. Some people handle this super power well, some people having terrifying experiences.

I agree, psychedelic states are attainable from the Super-Orgasm path. Like you I have an interest in psychedelics but never tried anything besides cannabis, but my experiences fit many descriptions.    

Once you start experiencing things that you can relate to Kundalini manifestations, if you are not ready, innate protective barriers should prevent you from going further, that is, unless you soften these barriers with drugs or hypnosis, or other external elements. And even if you go in completely sober, it's possible that you'll trigger something. Of course going into a session with apprehensions will create its own resistance, as you have discovered, but it's clearly not an enjoyable path to take. You'll have to decide for yourself is and when you can tackle this with a more positive mindset, and if any risks (real or perceived) are worth it to you. 



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I think you’re reading too much into things dredging up your whole childhood. Sounds like you’re experiencing terror at the gates. Just keep on with your sessions and go a little further each time,you won’t die,you’ll get used to it. I don’t know man,some guys make things really complicated. Keep it all about the pleasure.

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Posted by: @helghast

I think you’re reading too much into things dredging up your whole childhood. Sounds like you’re experiencing terror at the gates. Just keep on with your sessions and go a little further each time,you won’t die,you’ll get used to it. I don’t know man,some guys make things really complicated. Keep it all about the pleasure.

I got those emotional release Os, too. They're not unsafe, but they can be unsettling. For some guys, things are more complicated... I agree that Terror at the gate can be tamed over several sessions and that it is probably the simplest way to work things out. I also thing that even if it's a strong fear, it's also a vague one, or really, a simple fear of the unknown. If everything else is going fine, then you're right, no reason to overcomplicate everything. 

Worrying about Kundalini stuff is more specific, even more so if someone has reasons to believe they might be sensitive to this. Random panic attacks are worth taking some time off to figure out what is happening. 

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Thank you so much for amazing replies. Three is a lot things I need to read!

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I'm not sure where this should go, but I think it's worth sharing.

My main takeaway is that cannabis tends to decrease the activity in threat detection centers in the brain. Thus it would make sense that Terror at the Gate would be lessened, and in my opinion, this is not a good thing, if we consider that this mechanism is meant to protect you from going too fast, too soon or too far into whatever state you are fearful of.

Instead of going a bit further each time and gaining confidence and understanding the phenomena, removing the fear by using cannabis, even if the intended goal was relaxation or arousal and had nothing to do with the Gate, to me does not look like such a grand idea...

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Andrew makes a good point. But I think you can learn to surrender naturally without drugs. For me weed makes my prostate numb and less sensetive. For me my drug of choice is porn. I'm addicted to it in a bad way. And I usually combine Aneros with watching porn and it makes arousal going. Without it I hardly have a progress. I'm aware of this problem, but not working on it right now.

Weed can amplify anxiety 5x times if you experience one. It amplifies anything you feel at the current moment. Which might be a good thing for somebody, but defenetly not for me.

To me, my panic came from that I can't control my body and my arousal. It was basically aless sensations I wasn't looking for, and I wasn't ready to accept that they will be, and it is natural. I've never felt anything so blissful in my life. It is insane pleasure, it felt like pure love and joy and for me it was just prostate wave, I can't imagine what is actual prostate orgasm is. It was to much for me at the time, because I was in a bad place in life. It happened to me after nofap for a month. And after that I decided to start Aneros sessions again, because I realized that I can't hide from it, so I decided to look into the eyes of the fear and from now on it is a journey where I'm trying to find right balance between my aneros sessions, and my emotional state. Have been doing anal play since I was a kid. It is a part of my identity now


This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by astronaut

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I've had some strange buried things float to the surface during a session, but that's never my intention. My goal is always pleasure/orgasm. I find it doesn't happen that often anyway, so it's not something I could rely on as a tool exactly.

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Hey there, I want to give a heads up on my situation. I'm continuing to practice with Aneros and have fantastic results. The pleasure that I receive and self-love that I feel is already enough for me. Each month pleasure becomes stronger an stronger and I'm able to grow it. I think Super-O is a matter of time and I'm not in rush at all.

I'm not able to reach super-Os or re-experience pleasure waves simply because my body doesn't allow me to feel pleasure so I won't feel the pain I went through the childhood. My anxiety and panic that came as a result of my journey is because I have really heavy trauma inside me that I repressed. I got diagnosed with C-PTSD recently. Once I realized it with my therapist and started to trust my body all my anxiety related to kundalini or crazy awakenings went away and I made a lot of progress.

I had no idea that I have it and this journey can help me to point to my emotions that I repressed and I'm very thankful for that.

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Continue working on past issues following the therapist’s instructions.

Congratulations on the significant progress 👏 . Note, as you yourself have felt, the pleasure that emanates from the sessions are very similar to good states, states of peace that seem to be beyond pure pleasure.

I have positive effects after sessions, such as a desire to take better care of my health (Adjusting my diet and some frequent exercise). It's like a retribution, I get so much pleasure from the sessions and as a result I want to balance things. I started thinking like this: We deserve to try to get the best (without selfishness) and if possible I want others to also witness/obtain this peace.

Continues . During the incredible P waves you are having, let pleasure and peace emanate throughout. You are so full of pleasure that the moment will come when it will overflow. Super-O

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Posted by: @astronaut
Each month pleasure becomes stronger an stronger and I'm able to grow it.

Am I reading it right that you limit aneros sessions to once per month? That's interesting.


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@soul-pleasure I was super scared when I felt so much peace and love first time, that is why I freaked out 🙂

@clenchy I do my sessions quit often 3 - 5 times a week. I combine it with semen retention with and stick to some advices from the Mantak Chia's book

This post was modified 1 year ago by astronaut

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